Thursday, July 14, 2016

5 Tips For Buying Stuffed Animals Your Child Will Love

Is there a child who will grow up without a stuffed animal? Hardly can you find such a child in this era. Even if you do not have any fondness for toys, as a parent, you will be forced to buy at least one stuffed animal for your child. There are those who stock a variety, though. When you are ready to source out one for your child, consider these five tips.

1. Consider Your Child’s Age

When it comes to stuffed animal toys, the market offers a surplus. What this means is that there are toys designed for every age group. It is common sense that you cannot buy the same type, and size of stuffed animals for your five months daughter and your 6-year old boy. Their toys have to vary in type and size thanks to their age.

Besides, the child’s favorite color(s) change as they advance in age. With this in mind, it is recommended that you buy bright-colored toys for children between the ages of 0 to 2 years. On the other hand, children beyond 3 years tend to like toys that represent their favorite animals or cartoon characters. In other words, they are less likely interested with the color, but character representation.

Additionally, as you know, young children (0 to 6 years) are prone to dirt. If you are buying a stuffed animal for your child who is in this age bracket, think of how you’re going to wash them. It is advisable that you try to look for those stuffed animals that you can wash with ease, leaving the color intact.

Size is also another thing to consider. Your toddler will not be able to handle a large toy. On the other hand, if the stuffed animal is too small, your child will force it through the mouth causing your family unnecessary anguish.

2. Buy A Variety

You promised to buy your child a new toy the next time you go out shopping, right? Do not embarrass them when you come back in the evening smiling, with the same type of toy you bought them a couple of months ago. Knowing the number and type of stuffed animals your child owns, will help you not to make the mistake of buying them the same type the second time.

Go shopping with your child the next time you want to buy a toy for him/her. Do not underestimate them. They make good choices.

3. Consider The Durability Of The Toy

No matter your financial status, you wouldn’t like to purchase stuffed animals for your child daily. No doubt, you would prefer stuffed animals that last for a couple of months, even years. However, some toys last pretty much longer, up to five or more years. Such toys will be a nuisance to you.

When buying stuffed animals, look for age-appropriate toys that last as long as they are needed. This way, you will create space for other toys.

4. Put Your House’s Space In Mind
Consider where you are going to keep your child’s stuffed animal. You cannot buy a 5 ft X 3ft stuffed animal for your child; while the total space for her room is double that of a single stuffed animal.

When going for your child’s toy, remember where they are going to keep it when they are done playing with it. Large-sized toys accommodate a large area as compared with small toys. Apart from storing their toys, children need ample playing space. Their rooms need to have all these.

5. Look For ‘Skill-Enhancing’ Stuffed Animals

Not all stuffed animals will help your child learn anything. Some toys do not show or teach your child anything, while others instill a skill. For instance, buying stuffed animals clothed in pants and jackets with fasteners will teach your child many amazing skills.

After spending some time with their toy(s), your child will learn how to close up zips, handle buttons, deal with snaps, and many other fasteners. Your child cannot find these important skills in any elementary school.

Buying stuffed animals that are able to recite numerals and alphabets will aid in your child knowing these pertinent things before they attain the age of attending school.

Also, think of stuffed animals that are designed in a way that displays different colors, patterns, and even imitate different animal sounds. Your child will benefit a lot.


As mentioned earlier, you may not be the toy type of a person, but now that you’re a parent, it’s time to focus on your lovely child. Buying them the right type and size of a stuffed animal will not only make them happy but also help them in learning important life skills.



Thursday, June 30, 2016

6 Amazing Gadgets That Will Take You Out Of Bed Early

Are you the kind of person who goes to bed, and unless someone banged at your door at 10am the following morning you would rise at noon? Well, you are not alone. Sadly, that is how hard it is for many people to wake up across the globe, thanks to their busy schedule all day long.

Nonetheless, the following 6 gadgets have been designed to help you wake up early than you thought:

1. Lumie Active Bodylock 250

Lumie Bodylock 250 is the right gadget for you, if you hate alarm sounds. The gadget comes with light on its top side that brightens gradually. Interestingly, when it is at its fullest light, it either plays nature sounds, or turns on its in-built FM radio.

2. Zeo Sleep Coach (personal)

This is equipped with a headband that is designed to monitor waves inside your brain. The App checks when it is the right time for you to wake up. With Zeo, you have to set it. However, it will prepare you 30 minutes earlier.

3.  Voco

At times, people refer this gadget as ‘Good Morning Sir’ from the soothing songs by Stephen Fry. Voco comes with 130 obsequious messages that ensure you wake up undisturbed.

4. Farmland Alarm Clock

Farmland Clock is just like another ordinary alarm. However, it comes with extra features that will help you wake up, ready for your chores. When the alarm goes off, Farmland Clock will crow, moo, bleat or give a sound of any farm animal. The sounds are randomly selected inside Farmland Alarm Clock. What a good way to wake you up!

5. Automatic Curtain Opener

It is amazing that while you are asleep, the curtain is already raised. Funny as it may sound, if you programmed your curtain opener, it will wake you up a half an hour earlier thanks to the full brightness you will encounter in your room.

6. Use a Wearable Devise Boom

Are you wondering what this is? You sleep with a devise. First, you have to set it to your preferred waking up time. Then, you will insert it under your pants. When the set time comes, the wearable device boom will vibrate, waking you up happily.
As the world of innovation moves forward, you are yet to encounter more and more funky gadgets that will help you wake up anytime you want. However, if you snooze the alarm, you will sleep a while longer.