Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to Solve Marital Conflicts

Arguments are inevitable in every union under the sun. The only difference that exists between your relationship and mine is the degree at which my spouse and I argue. We may be very vocal on a daily basis, whereas you argue periodically thus the difference. It does not mean that our marriages are bound to fail, but this is a sign that things are either good or are going sour. It should be understood though that, as mentioned in the outset, in every relationship, there should be a difference in opinion between marriage partners, and this may lead to troublesome quarrels, heated arguments and at times this will result to either or both harboring resentment.
                                                                                                 “If you don’t,
                                                                        who then are you
                                                                reserving that precious time for?”
Conflicts are not justifiable in any given set up. We may have differences in opinion that is based on facts and principles and this is guaranteed. However, it is not a leeway to having confrontations with our loved ones. After all, does it sound nice when your neighbors sleep and wake up every day with your arguments on petty issues? It doesn’t. Your neighbors deserve a little courtesy. To solve your marital arguments however, there are practical steps that you will definitely need to apply lest your marriage is doomed to collapse.

Communicate well with your mate

Communication is vital in every relationship. There is however a big difference between the normal chat that exist among peers, colleagues at work, acquaintances and your partner. Your spouse deserves quality, healthy intimate discussion at time from perfectly chosen rendezvous. Create time to talk to your spouse about anything especially what might be stressing. It is agreeable that the social dynamism that we are experiencing in the world may not give you time to speak to your spouse as it allowed you a couple of years ago, but you have to create that time for your partner. If you don’t, who then are you reserving that precious time for?

Have time for your mate

Visit a serene place like this  and have fun with your spouse.
More than anybody else including your boss, exclusive of your children if there, your mate requires your time. This time is different from what we have been speaking in the preceding paragraph. This is meant to nurture the love you have had, reflect on any shortcomings and challenges that you have had overtime, and deliberate on ways to combat similar challenges in future. Many a times, you may find it wise to settle on a vacation in the Kenyan coastal town of Malindi. I am specific because of reasons that I will mention here in forthcoming articles. You can swim together, wad in the shallow waters with your hand gentle holding your spouse, and by doing these you are confirming and affirming your love.

Forgive your mate

Arguments emanate from misunderstandings that come as a result of one mate not meeting particular standards set by the other. Be it as it may, the set standards are not holy, lofty and are prone to selfish dispositions. If your partner therefore fails to meet given standards that you strongly feel that they shouldn’t have, prudence calls for asking why things were done otherwise. Having satisfactorily looked at your mate’s reason of resorting into doing so, you may then decide to forgive knowing that nobody yes no man is perfect for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God thus susceptible to error. Forgive you mate and move on. Tomorrow it might be you failing to meet the standards laid and agreed by both of you sometimes on paper.

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