Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How Superstition Is Connected With Prostitution

Over time, man and woman have always wanted the most of what they have spent on either party for a good reason. Whichever degree of what you are looking for anyway; there must also be a limit however you may want to legitimize your obscene acts. It has emerged that prostitution has gone digital. I have been told by my colleagues that they have better name-commercial sex workers. Well, wherever suits them better is what we will use. After all, the business has been commercialized in many backstreets of most major cities around the world be it be NY, Rio, Manchester, Mumbai; Jo'burg or Nairobi.


Ready hot chicks on hot spots in the city near you.
Granted, it is a willing giver a willing taker. That literally means that there exists mutual concept between the two parties. The whole fiasco starts with a man giving a call to the house informing the wife of a late business deal even emergency that has to be addressed lest the company’s reputation will be trounced. I love these “business” ideas. How I wish they were harnessed for the better of the corporate world. Our nations would be moving at a bomber’s speed to hit its target.

                         “As busy as you are, she
                         agrees that you leave to catch

                   up with your family before it's midnight.”


Thankfully, this new deal will see both parties afford a big smile on their face.  For one, it will be elusive but for the other, permanent. Good things come out of toil. Isn’t it? After that call to the house, the man gets the go ahead to seal the deal that has emerged. Yes, he has the full support of family members who are waiting for him in the house later that evening once the deal is over. After all, home is a couple of minutes drive from the office during the off-peak hours. 


Upon arrival at a usual den in the backstreet where there is an ample parking, the man’s chores are in a KISS slogan-keep it simple and short. This way, it is manageable. He just lowers his window to see who catches the eye and before long, they flock at the side like a swarm of bees looking for some nectar. Indeed they have it. Using some of the literal muscle, one outwits others to open the door that was at ajar, pops in and there you go with your newest catch.


Unfortunately, there is a new strategy employed by the ladies that keeps you going back. And before I tell it to you, promise me that you are not going to let them know. But whatever you are planning to do, I decide to share with you what has been discovered since I am a brother’s keeper. The truth is, whether you like it or not, you are going back after you first stepped on that street. But there is a way out. You, however, need to apologize to your first lady. She will forgive you if you are remorseful.
There is ample parking for you Range Rover Sport.


Commercial sex workers have found a new way to make sure that once you have set your eyes on their thighs, you will keep going back for more as long as they are available. They do this when you are totally careful so as not to infect your family which they strongly back with hidden agendas aimed at benefiting them. They insist that you use protective measures during the act probably a good quality female and male condom. Isn’t it a noble idea? 


All these are aimed at reaching your semen after you are done with her. As busy as you are, she agrees that you leave to catch up with your family before it's midnight. She argues; let me throw this dirt away. Granted, there is a dustbin behind you where she turns and dumps them before your eyes. Hardly do you know that after you exit, she will come back to your “forgotten” sperm, for a special ritual that will keep you coming back as long as you are energetic. This is where prostitution meets superstition. Without your knowledge, your semen lands in the able hands of a witch doctor who performs the chemistry that you once learnt in high school when a young boy that you have forgotten. By doing this, she would have had potential clients in her business.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Attention Seekers on a Wrong Platform

This perfectly describes our ladies in colleges. From hairstyles, fancy attires to loose bras these are what there lecturers face each day when they are before them. I am not saying that this is what all the girls in campus do or wear, but at least you can agree with me that most of them aim at something deep down their hearts and mind. Let us try to figure out what exactly they are after then we will advice our male lecturers.
A decently dressed college girl in Montreal CA
Most of these ladies are aged between 18 and 24. At this age, they are trying to get out of their comfort zones in order to explore what you did not do when you were at that age. Granted, we live in a digital era where everything seems to be trending in your own way. Basically, everyone wants to be known in her own way. After all, who doesn’t want to be recognized as a celeb? Most of these ladies if not all, have directly out of high school uniform and want to taste the sweetness of college’s free style cladding. I am also one of those who hated to be confined in one color of dress Monday through Friday with an exception of only Sunday.

Now that they are in campus, they do as they want-wear, walk, talk, eat name them I warmly welcome you to this liberated lifestyle that has a limit though. Look at this; the men you almost go nude for are either your next door neighbors in the village where you put up, siblings or your friend’s siblings; relatives and to crown it all, most are married and probably with children of your age. Is there point then for you to walk half nude before these?
If you happen to be in such a scenario, kindly pause and ask yourself if this is a worthy course. In essence, what did you come to search for in college? I doubt if it is to be known but to gain skills for your future. My sister, don’t lose the track for many have walked down that slippery ground and have fallen with no one to raise them up. Remember this too. Your male teachers have been here for many years others since the school started offering this education and so, many have passed through their able hands. So how many “super ladies” have they seen? Who are you to change what? What do you have that others did not posses? You have the answers. 

Some attention seekers distract male lecturers with their loose
tops like this above, making it ideally difficult for the teachers
 to concentrate.
My fellow lecturers, you are not innocent either. You are also catalysts to this phenomenon. I don’t mean all of you. In fact I know of a few that are super gentle, responsible family heads, fathers and guardians. You have my innermost commendations. At least I associate with you. Those that are the likes of these girls on the other hand, receive my rebuke. You have come to nurture our ones to the next level. Your level of education dictates that you should be a “smart” person. Live to that. Remember that there are quite a number of literates that yearn to have a chance to inculcate certain values to these girls but have not been fortunate enough to get it but you did. Help them gain the skills thematically. 

Meanwhile, I suggest that you focus on your delivery not on their dress code. Stand behind the lecture hall as you preside over the lesson. This way, it may help calm your stimulation.

Guillotine A Friend or a Foe?

Taking someone’s life is a serious criminal offense in every community all over the world. Whether marginalized or not, human life has been regarded sacred in whatever region in the world. Since time memorial, sacred and religious books have considered that subject turbulent. 

In ancient Israel for example, it was very wrong to take someone’s life whether deliberate or by accident. Granted, if you did so for the latter reason, the high priest would ensure that you have the Godly amnesty that existed back then. The amnesty comprised cities of refuge that became homes to those that killed without intention until the high priest of the time of their going to these cities of refuge died. 

Those that deliberately killed their fellowmen were subjected to the same destiny-death. Stones were pelt onto them on a broad day light by fellow countrymen. Do you then think that God justified killing? On the contrary. He is the founder of life and He has every reason to determine who enjoys what He lovingly provides to His subjects. Since man was entrusted with conscience-in born ability of making judgment of right and wrong, one has to utilize that ability by making wise decisions. 

That law came to a sweet end in the 1st century with the introduction of a new law that replaced many. The law was introduced by none other than Jesus Christ when he said that Love your God and your neighbor. That law has continued to govern the minds of many who believe in creation. Killing is murder and murder is criminal that is punishable by law in every land in the world. To that end, most countries that respect the rule of law and adhere to the revised version of the International Human Rights Act, would agree that guillotine is evil, inhuman, awkward; barbaric and backward.

Let us love one another in as much as we may differ. After all, what is wrong when people differ on principle? Even if not on that reason, at least you are at liberty to say, act whenever you want and wherever you are as long as you do not infringe other people’s rights. If you intrude, there are jails with massive walls and conditions that will guarantee you life but deter you for causing harm to your fellow humans.

Let us shun the merciless killing of our fellow human beings. Let us join hands and stop guillotine.