Friday, March 20, 2015

How Is Facebook Going To Be Immortal After Your Demise

Will you ever imagine that is going to happen? If you think it is not, you are very far from being right. The world’s social media platform has made this revelation that will see the ongoing operations of facebook accounts of people who are dead. Initially, the account of anyone dead would be discontinued, locked, banned or just be memorized. But now, Thursday 26th February 2015, will mark the start of the immortality of any facebook account that will ever be in operation. What does this mean? Will you be talking to immortals? If not, how and who will you be talking to and you well know that the account’s owner died and perhaps you attended their burial? Good concerns herein.

It is not a mystery but legal issues that will see the owner of the account sign a document or even choose a person who will legally answer their chats, share photos and post on their timeline long after the death of the account owners.  How will that work? Here is a secret, log in to your account now and click at the top right corner on a place indicated as “settings”.  Starting with those living in USA, they will see an option in their tabs that will ask them to put security. This is where they will enter the name of the proposed account administrator. This is incredible! As said earlier, this people will be in charge of posting your stories and even updating not only your status but also your photos. Remember that you have an option of deleting completely. That means that it is not mandatory to choose the administrator to your account. After all you are alive.

This program is aimed at not only revamping this largest social media that now has  over 1.4 billion people but also merge with others. Google for example, has a feature called “inactive account manager” which allows you to access data and discard it completely after a given set of time namely three, six and one year which is equivalent of 12 months. The same feature in Google gives you the option to choose who will manage your data. This has happened for quite some time. There are also other services that Google has been treating customers to such as YouTube, Google Plus and Blogger.

What of other social sites such as Twitter? With this, it is exceptional. Tweeter simply deactivates your account upon realizing that you are no longer in existence. There is good reason why they do this: many people hardly use their real names on Twitter accounts.

Yes, now than ever before you can choose your own administrators after you are dead. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Shocking Revelations About Nature Naughton’s Nudity That You Dint Know

What a lovely face you may say. Yes, Naturi Naughton or NN as many of her friends find easy calling her is one of America’s beautiful and vocal rappers. Apart from rapping, Naturi Naughto does singing, acting and writing of not only her songs but also those of other artists. She was born in East Orange in 1984. Like many other celebrities, Naturi Naughton is her stage name but her real name is a bit longer even if her stage name is shorter than her nickname. She was born Naturi Cora Maria Naughtom ( NCMN). She is one of the ardent members of the 3LW.

 Before we speak of her latest scandal namely the leaked celebrity’s nude photos that have gone viral for just a day or so, let us look into a bit of some stories surrounding her carrier.

Learnt Politics, Practicing Music

Naturi Naughton went to Seton Hall University where she apparently studied political science. But soon after graduating, Naturi Naughton went straight into music. She joined a girl’s group that I mentioned earlier. While with the girls Naturi Naughton recorded an album that marked her debut in the industry. On a mission to record a second album, Naturi Naughton left the band for a touring company. This black haired songstress is versatile. In the year 2009, she played as cast as Lil Kim.

Any Nude Photos Of Naturi Naughton?

Absolutely yes! This is not the first time that Naturi’s breasts and butts have been seen swinging in the public. It is confirmed that Naturi was first seen nude in a movie in the year 2009. By then this rapper was just 24 years old. Five years later in a TV show known as Power she was again witnessed naked. This cannot be hidden for many people young and old who watched television that time saw her.

According to the magazine People With Money, she is ranked as the highest paid singer in the world.  

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Intrugues About Farrah Abraham And Her Nude Photos

There are few things that can go unnoticed since they are a little more conspicuous or they simply can’t pass the society because they have a great impact among members. That is what is happening around the life of Farrah Abraham.  This is an interesting story that indeed you don’t want to miss since even within the MTV staff; there is looming chaos because of her comeback. Who is Farrah Abraham? What do we know of her? Are there any sex tapes about this young blonde? Let us tackle this head on.

Who Is Farrah Abraham?

This is one of the American acclaimed pornographic actress, author, stripper and a reality TV show personality. Farrah Abraham is a pretty young girl who is not immune to controversy that knocks doors to celebrities. She was born in Nebraska a place called Omaha but was raised elsewhere in Council Bluffs in Iowa. What happened in her teenage years eventually turned into her debut to a career she seems to love riding in. Farrah Abraham got pregnant at a tender age of 16 something that brought her fame. In fact, the first appearance on TV was a program 16 And Pregnant, a TV series that featured the life and times of pregnant teenagers. In the late 2009, Farrah Abraham also appeared in yet another TV series Teen Mom obliviously a revamped 16 And Pregnant and then she went to studio to record a debut album of her own together with a memoir. This two had the same title my teenage dream ended. The memoir later made through to the best-selling book’s list. Even the album was among the top 35 at 32nd position in 2012.

The Intrigues Surrounding Farrah Abraham

Sadly, Farrah Abraham has been on the spot not entirely for documenting her young pregnancy for the better of other teenagers but for the wrong reasons. For instance, in 2013, Farrah Abraham was arrested in connection to allegations that she was driving under influence. This resulted in a $ 500 fine, 6 months in probation, and at the same time, another six months of tests of sobriety. This was a pretty long hold for a young celebrity like Farrah Abraham not even anybody older than that.

Farrah Abraham And Her Sex Tape

This is not mere allegations now according to the distributor Vivid Entertainment and the hired actor of pornography James Deen. Farrah Abraham had in early occasions distanced herself from the allegations claiming that the photos were leaked. But at later stages, she apparently gave in saying that she actually hired the porn actor in order to celebrate her life yes her blonde body. This is what she had to say,” I want to celebrate the beauty of my body and get the best sexy shots that will tantalize the world. Without them, how will they know of my presence?” It is even alleged that the seller cum actor that was hired made a whopping $ 1.5 million from the sale of Farrah Abraham’s sex videos. Later, Vivid Entertainment released a video that showed Abraham nude which she is claimed to encounter a rape ordeal with the cast. These and other things have made her comeback in MTV a real menace even others saying they will quit now that she is back.

This is not the end of Farrah Abraham. There is more drama for 2015/16.

Can Rejection Lead To Complete Success In Your Life?

Life can be a challenge to many especially after the completion of one’s preferred level of education. Unemployment has been named as one of the major crisis facing the 21st century. While nobody can be bold enough to dispute this, it is imperative that we look at our goals and see if there is something that we can adjust lest these life-threatening situations will always engulf this generation.
Out of school and writing professional resumes is one thing and find the right job is another. How will you cope with such situations if they fell upon you? There are many scholars who have looked into this topic and if you listen to their views, you can tell that indeed there is a real problem not only in this century but in generations to come with a foreseen increment in joblessness and hard economic situations.

What Do Others Go Through

There is however an antidote to that and it starts with you. Yes, your aptitude is important than any job position that you will ever have in the world. Your esteem is paramount. Whatever amount of money one will be given, will never be equaled with what you are worth. Unfortunately, in the real world, many are losing hope s imply because they did not get the job they wanted. Perhaps it is wise to note that Asia’s richest man had to pass through hard and compromising situations to get where he now is. For example, did you know that at one point he failed to be hired by Kentucky Fried Chicken? Yes he was rejected but there is something he never did. That will be discussed shortly. But, many in fact almost all of the most influential and affluent men and women we know in the world went through the same predicaments but successfully sailed. It calls for effort.

Persistence Is Key

A true story of Mr. Ma, the Asian richest man mentioned earlier, is a motivation to us all. While in America, and after being denied to work in that chicken kiosk Ma, had in his mind the urge to s peak English in a bid to know to communicate better in his new country. He employed substantive efforts that finally yield him the position he is now. Taking a 45- minute’s ride on a bicycle to go and attend lessons on how to speak English was not an easy task. This resulted in him becoming one of the most fluent English speakers who would give discourses around the world. In 1995 after becoming a translator, things opened up for him. From such persistence, by 2015, Mr. Ma was estimated to have $ 22.6 billion. You too can be rich if you persist as he did.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How Breast Actives Increase A Lady's Beauty

If you are a lady, you no doubt have seen the current trend of breast enlargement and its advantages. It is true that they add enormous beauty to any lady with large breasts. In fact, she will be every man’s target in town. But you may ask yourself, what are breast actives? How do breast actives work? You will get the answers in a bit. Let us start by understanding what breast actives after which we will address this main question: how do breast actives work?

What Are Breast Actives?

These are supplements that are believed to be from natural products that aid in enlargement of breasts.  There has been an increase of their application in the recent past. This could be as a result of massive media coverage of their positive effects not withstanding their possible downsides. Nevertheless, a lot of ladies run after the program which has worked miracles for them especially for who naturally had small breasts. They are now happy.

Does Breast Actives Work?

Absolutely yes! Since its inception in the year 2002, it has had massive respondents. Those who have subscribed to the usage of breast actives have reaped ripe fruits. They have achieved what they have always yearned for. Breast actives work in practically three steps. No step should overlap. The three steps are as follows:

Picture of user: Before and after the use of breast actives.

v  Breast active pills- these are pills administered to the consumer orally. They are those pills that are swallowed orally on a daily basis and there are those that a clinical officer will need to administer to you.
v  Breast active cream- There is also a cream that a lady needs to smear on her body around the breasts.
v  Breast actives exercises- there are exercises that are recommended for those w ho want to enlarge their breasts. These workouts are unique in the sense that their aim is not to add muscles and body tissues but to specifically enlarge the breasts. This last step ensures that your breasts are enlarges naturally and permanently. You will never again be stigmatized for having small breasts by your peers.

Benefits Of Using Breast Actives

Are there benefits for using breast actives? As mentioned in the opening, there are inevitable benefits of using breast actives. Look at these:

v  Improved breast shape.
v  Clients are comfortable following their fitting in clothes.
v  Enhances confidence in women when at social gatherings.
v  With big energetic breasts, a large looks young and vibrant.
v  Creates a feeling of wholeness in women and enjoy when having fun with friends.