Monday, June 30, 2014

Smart Ways to Get Your Ex Back

Are you in a dilemma as to what to do after losing your lover? Relax, for you are about to learn how you can manage to get your partner back the soonest you never thought. But first you have to tell me what ways you have tried in vain.  Anyway, did you fathom that you will one day get your love back to where it was before it collapsed to the current state? Get these well researched points that will help you draw even closer to your partner than you initially were.
1. Have you realized lately that when you drop your former lover a text, you no longer receive a feedback? You try a phone call and all you receive is a strange voice that tells you to leave a message? The list of these setbacks and many others goes on and on, but take heart. Do this: keep quiet.

2.  Seemingly, you may have tried to visit your ex’s home, place of work or tried to talk to your former lover’s friends with the belief that you will mend the torn relationship. I commend you for these steps that you have made with the bid of winning back the love of your heart. I however recommend a new strategy. Why don’t you give it a break? You may be surprised how it will work so fast for you to get your partner back.
                                                           "Stop believing that 
                                                      you never make mistakes.
                                                    Forgive when your ex finally 
                                                     comes back to your bosom."

3.  One of the things people crave for after getting into a relationship is freedom. But one fact is for sure. Freedom of this kind has never proved genuine and fruitful. It is usually out of selfishness, egocentrism and lack of appreciation for the current secure situation of being in love with somebody. So, did your partner ask for some degree of freedom? Grant it. Your partner will so soon “crawl” back to you in such of what was almost going out of hand had you not tried this method.

4. Avoid faking the person who you are not. Be the one your partner knew before things went sour. Be yourself. This will help either of you to realize the mistakes done and you will resolve to be committed to each other in this relationship. It is also important to note that this might be that last chance that you should seize to nurture your relationship. After all, what’s your aim? Your objective should be to get your ex back through fair means. I tell you for free, when your ex comes back, you are going to have a good love that before. It has challenges though!

5. One last thing. Stop believing that you never make mistakes. Forgive when your ex finally comes back to your bosom.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

In A Relationship? Please Don’t Crave For Another Person.

It all started quite well when you could do virtually nothing without each other. Everything you did, your partner was well aware and had to have a say in it even before you embarked on it. Suddenly, in the pass of time, things seem to take a different direction and none of you realize that so soon things are getting out of hand. Granted, both of you have a hand in this yet to befall scenario and I am sure you are not going to like it especially now that it touches your inner soul. It will demoralize you to the letter. What are the signs of this predicament?
1. Complaints

Have you witnessed complaints recently at times, on petty things? Who removed the key from the padlock, why is the house untidy, why did you replace the guard without consulting; where have you been since then and such like. By any means, I am not suggesting that those questions are bad. What I am implying is that they are asked at a wrong time as an ambush. These are noble concerns especially in a permanent union. But it is good to differentiate a concern and unending complaints and tantrums.

2. Monitoring 

Wondering what and who is to be monitored? The answer is you and your communication via your mobile phone, emails and those friends in the social media. Granted, in marriage, you are no longer two but one. In as much as I will agree with those sentiments, it is good to remember that freedom, responsibility and trust are paramount in any given relationship. Therefore, in order to foster a peaceful relationship, I recommend that you fully trust your partner and accord your mate the respect deserved without infringing one’s privacy. After all, don’t you feel the same should be done to you? Yes.

3. Emptiness

The craving for another person may emanate from your heart and it might be difficult to control it if it has reached that point. All is not lost. It is a high time that you sit back and reflect on the good old days when your partner was everything that you thought of around the clock. Besides, would you not like to be treated with much love, care and loyalty? These are qualities that every person in a relationship longs for. That being the case, it is bad manners even wrong to start eying another person besides your mate.

4. Know yourself

I would rather suggest that you sit back and reexamine yourself in a bid to get back your relationship that is seemingly slipping out of your hands. By the way, do you know how many people are yearning for that woman, yes that man that you are about to discard as an empty vessel?

5. Remain inside

 If it cost you time and perhaps money back then to get what you have, be sure that the price is now too high that you may not be able to afford. It is understood though, if you are not sure of yourself. If that is the case, remember that you are already in a relationship. Trying to impress other people outside your relationship is walking on a slippery ground. You will definitely fall.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is The Fruit Spoken In the Book Of Genesis, Sex?

This story has brought tremendous response and caused controversy in many religions in the world than any other religious teaching. Nevertheless, there are concrete answers lying in the pages of the book most of those religious groups read. The challenge therefore is, are you willing to excavate as did the excavator? Lets walk though some of the facts that can help us identify the fruit.

What a question? You may ask. Yes, you read it aloud. This is one of the hundreds, yes thousands of questions about the Bible that has evoked hot debates amongst principals of theology and Bible scholars. What though can we learn from this straight forward rule that was given to the first human being? Are there benefits that can be derived from obeying that law? What is the relationship between it and thousands of other laws written in that same book that many perceive to be Holy?

Many people believe that the Bible is a sacred book and it should be treated as one. If this is your belief, you are in the right track. It is good to note that, as a caring father, you may likely be willing to pass verbal and written information to your children. If you decide to communicate verbally, then you know better the language you are going to use in order for your child to comprehend-easy, straight to the point and because of their young mind, you will give conditions.

Jehovah God did exactly the same by giving instructions the simplest manner there has been. Talking to His earthly son Adam, Jehovah gave Adam various tasks to perform. Tending their beautiful home paradise of Eden and naming other animals were part of the tasks accorded to Adam. After giving out such instructions, it was Jehovah’s choice to issue a condition testing the obedience of His son.

It is at this point that Jehovah gave Adam this directive recorded in the book of Genesis chapter 2: 17. Remember that in the preceding verses, the Bible tells us that there were planted many other trees full of sweet fruits that Adam would have eaten from to his satisfaction. God chose this easiest method to assess Adam’s obedience. Unfortunately Adam failed and his failure affected mankind.

While many people think that the fruit spoken of in this book is the sexual act, take a moment to ponder. In the first chapter of Genesis verses 26 to 28 Jehovah blessed Adam and Eve and commissioned them to procreate and fill the earth! This evidently will therefore mean that from the beginning; Jehovah had wanted this couple to practice legitimate sex with the aim of filling the earth. Sex within marriage is God given present to couples. In fact, later the apostle Paul admonished couples to honor their conjugal rights unless there is mutual consent of doing otherwise in the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verses 3 to 6.

This test of obedience laid a foundation of how man was going to react to God’s laws. Adam sinned and lost God’s favor and that caused us dearly. We have to work hard, fighting with imperfection and the Devil and his foes to prove our obedience to our heavenly Father. Holding fast to the laws provided in the Bible is a sure way towards our survival.  Still Jehovah expects each one of us to obey His loving rules which He says are not burdensome. Your obedience will mean your life.

What You Need To Know About Engaging In Online Dating

Is there anything sweet in online dating? Many would exclaim! While you could be doing this, there are quite a number that have benefited from what these social sites offer I am one of them.

Getting a friend that is willing to listen to you whenever you need one, and who is interested in helping you is indeed a great joy to those who yearn for such, but the manner to get this friend is yet another. A majority of young people would want to fall under this group of persons who get acquaintances online. And in this digital world, that is a mandatory than an expectation.

With the invention of social platforms such as Facebook, tweeter and whats
up, many people young and old alike, find it easier to chat freely with one
 another. hardly will you know though who you could be talking to.
Be it as it may, the fact is that, friendship that is forged between a young person on one end of the world and the other ‘unknown’ person on the other extreme corner, is elusive.

Children are vulnerable and can easily give in to demands of those they refer to as caring and listening partners that are only acquired through online dating that has sent the traditional health way of making real friends that we are able to attach ourselves with.

No matter what happens though, as a parent, it is your sole responsibility to guide your children until they are able to make decisions on their own and online dating is top of the list.

Are You Ready For a Proposal? Here Are Five Perfect Tips

DO you think it is easy to approach that girl next door? Well, if it is, why haven’t you got her? It is never easy to come up with a perfect proposal that will reach her heart hence the full of the lady of your heart. But if you believe you have the guts, and that it is your ideal time to reach up to that lady, sit back as I take you through five easy ways to reach her heart and sooner than you expected, you will get to “lie her down”.

1. Make a good plan in your mind about what you are going to speak. Remember that many a times, our hearts and mind get so frightened when we start to talk to people of the opposite sex especially when it is for the very first time. It becomes even worse when they look at us right into the eye. So to avoid this stumble, plan in advance.

2. Master up courage and at least tell yourself that come what may, you are not going to let it go. Essentially what I mean is: no matter the response, I am not relenting; I am not letting her go today. There is no any other ample chance than this.

3. A few days even hours prior to the self proposed approach day, put it in your mind that you have already got her. In fact, see yourself as the owner of the lady in as much as you are not. This will have a profound effect on your perception towards her. When you have such a view about this person, it will affect the way you will talk to her when time comes.

4. Don’t disguise yourself to be someone else. Don’t copy any dialect or accent that you recently borrowed from your favorite soap or even bombard her with your “little” knowledge of the language. Be natural. Be yourself. Never even attempt to be a person who you are not. Plan to behave and speak as usual especially if you foresee this relationship going further. While you wait for this moment though, know that anything can happen. I am saying with this in mind: what if the lady next door, feigns to have someone? Will it end there and you have had a perfect plan for days even weeks? Never! It should end elsewhere.

5. Having done all these, it is now time to make one last move; a do or die step.  I know it might be difficult to put on one especially if you are like me. But please, try so hard to have a smile on your face when you see her the next material time. Be sure that you create the impression that you had been looking for her not knowing where to find her. This will call to her attention to ask why the search and oh, there you are!  Your perfect planning will bear sweet fruits.

 You will own the girl of your dream.

Friday, June 27, 2014

What Are the Unending Benefits Of Forgiving?

 According to the Christian religion, much emphasis is given in the teaching of certain values, and their Holy book; the Bible, forgiving is one of the basic teachings. Nevertheless, when one forgives, the prospect of receiving the same from others is inexcusable. What are the real benefits of forgiving?

If you have a tendency of forgiving others, you remain with a peace of mind and a healthy heart. Some people do not want to even contemplate of what will happen when they forgive others. But surely, isn’t it wise to remember that we are all human who are prone to err? That is the nature of man.

Others believe that, forgiveness lowers one’s dignity. If that is what may be in your mind, then here is food for thought. In other words, they tend to think that when they show compassion to others, they appear less than who they really are. But the fact is that with forgiveness, there comes, blessings that do not come with grudge.

According to the book of Matthew chapter 6 verse 14 it says:

If you pardon the errors of those who do you certain wrongs, then expect the same manner of treatment from me’. Doesn’t this show you some sense? Yes, it does. It is good to know that our Grand Protector and Father is willing to forgive our sins even before we ask for it.

Many do not know what can happen to them if they do not forgive those who wrong them. In the same breath, the Bible warns that, there are big chances of not receiving any pardon of our errors if we behave contrary to those who do the same to us. To that end, may you try the much you can, however difficult it may be, bearing in mind that we are all human beings that are susceptible to making mistakes and so need each other. This will happen if only we forgive and forget.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

My Worst Sexual Experience With a Gay

It pains me when I narrate this story to you. Don’t be surprised to realize that you could be the first person to read this agonizing ordeal that I went through a few days ago. So, when you will be thinking that this is just a fabrication, wounds of memory of that night are still fresh in my mind. I however try the much I can to calm down so as to write this story since by doing so, it might awaken those doing so or offer some help to those who deserve it.

Something that just started like fun of internet dating has turned to be a tormenting thing in my heart and mind down this day. If you haven’t tried to date online, please do not attempt. I am not suggesting that online dating in itself is wrong: on the contrary.  Many have got the love of their hearts through internet dating. While that is so, there are those who are crying like me, with nobody to help them on their side.

Having have told you that brief introduction, allow me then narrow down how what seemed to be promises of a ‘heaven’, later transpired to be an unforgettable sexual experience.

As a single man, I spend most of late evenings on my laptop with a bottle of Red Label beside me, as I engage my friends on a serious note via social media. It happens that of late, I have added a couple of more other social sites on my default panel. This particular night, I met one friend whom I thought like would quench my thirst. Indeed he did! Impersonating as a lady with beautiful profile photos, I said deep in my heart that I have got what I wanted. How lost was I!

The chat lasted the whole night till dawn the following morning. By the time I was up from my couch, we had agreed to meet at a place where she suggested. Granted, I knew the place better but later came to realize later that evening that for one to know a place better, you should be able to tell activities that take place in whatever place you may claim to know better.

I drove so fast to the rendezvous anticipating to meet my love later that evening. Upon arrival at the gate in front of this famous club in the suburb, my car was let in by an energetic handsome young man. From the look of his face, body posture and texture, he was my age mate. Initially, I thought he was the gate man. Truth would be revealed later. He was my man!

Have you ever had a bizarre sexual experience? Whereas you may agree with me that things happen on earth, there are those you wish that will never happen to the people you know, leave alone yourself. This is one such ordeal. My “love” made sure that I alight safely from my car as he showed me the way inside the auditorium. Inside were smells of soothing fragrances and the hall was parked to the full with men others having a big muscle than my host.

My love told me to feel at home and he asked me to ask for any drink which I did. I was perplexed but consoled myself that it is not so late and besides, I am waiting for my girl so I don’t want to fail her if I decide to drive away. After an elapse of two hours or so, there was no sign of anyone getting drunk or in a haste of going home or any female getting in for even those at the bill table were all men. I decided to dash out and drive home without even logging in from my tablet to inquire of my girl. Sadly, the parking was so dark and dense! There were many cars and so I could not locate mine and even if I could, I would not have driven away for cars surrounded mine.

The only option was to go back. When I went back inside, the real scenario fell on me. My bottle had been removed from the table. It was have way full. The man who welcomed me in saw me come back and from his face, he was now relaxed. He approached me and told me his name. It was the lady’s name that I talked to the night before. It clocked in my feeble mind and said, “be it be what may.” He started to touch me fondly, and when I tried to spring back, two more muscular men pushed me forward. The man removed his trench coat, pulled a knife out of his pocket and ordered me to undress fast which I did.

Don’t ever contemplate of what ensued. The man whom I thought was a gate man, a club bouncer, later turned to be the name I knew and this is the person I had come for. I was ambushed, by the three men as the rest watched. These men worked on me like I never thought! The man particularly took of his pants and ordered me to turn so as he would access my ass. Oh my God, I had no choice! For the following tow and a half hours, that was the only thing that I would see men do to each other in the house! But it was only me who was worked on by three men. All I would see were dim lights and the situation seemed so usual to members present. This bizarre sexual experience has since then left me with much agony than you can envision.

They did this in turns to their satisfaction as it was so painful to me than ever in my life. After they were done with me, I was unable to even sit on the chair but was ordered to do so. The man who was taking the lead in this ordered for another drink for me and when I decline to take it, he slapped me twice on either side of the face and gave me his business card and told me to email him when I reach home. Back in the car, I was unable to sit and drive myself. Having realized this, he offered to drive me home and upon reaching the gate to my house, he alighted and took a taxi that was nearby. It was 3am.

It was sad sharing this bizarre sexual experience with you. Nevertheless, I feel relieved.