Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is The Fruit Spoken In the Book Of Genesis, Sex?

This story has brought tremendous response and caused controversy in many religions in the world than any other religious teaching. Nevertheless, there are concrete answers lying in the pages of the book most of those religious groups read. The challenge therefore is, are you willing to excavate as did the excavator? Lets walk though some of the facts that can help us identify the fruit.

What a question? You may ask. Yes, you read it aloud. This is one of the hundreds, yes thousands of questions about the Bible that has evoked hot debates amongst principals of theology and Bible scholars. What though can we learn from this straight forward rule that was given to the first human being? Are there benefits that can be derived from obeying that law? What is the relationship between it and thousands of other laws written in that same book that many perceive to be Holy?

Many people believe that the Bible is a sacred book and it should be treated as one. If this is your belief, you are in the right track. It is good to note that, as a caring father, you may likely be willing to pass verbal and written information to your children. If you decide to communicate verbally, then you know better the language you are going to use in order for your child to comprehend-easy, straight to the point and because of their young mind, you will give conditions.

Jehovah God did exactly the same by giving instructions the simplest manner there has been. Talking to His earthly son Adam, Jehovah gave Adam various tasks to perform. Tending their beautiful home paradise of Eden and naming other animals were part of the tasks accorded to Adam. After giving out such instructions, it was Jehovah’s choice to issue a condition testing the obedience of His son.

It is at this point that Jehovah gave Adam this directive recorded in the book of Genesis chapter 2: 17. Remember that in the preceding verses, the Bible tells us that there were planted many other trees full of sweet fruits that Adam would have eaten from to his satisfaction. God chose this easiest method to assess Adam’s obedience. Unfortunately Adam failed and his failure affected mankind.

While many people think that the fruit spoken of in this book is the sexual act, take a moment to ponder. In the first chapter of Genesis verses 26 to 28 Jehovah blessed Adam and Eve and commissioned them to procreate and fill the earth! This evidently will therefore mean that from the beginning; Jehovah had wanted this couple to practice legitimate sex with the aim of filling the earth. Sex within marriage is God given present to couples. In fact, later the apostle Paul admonished couples to honor their conjugal rights unless there is mutual consent of doing otherwise in the book of 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verses 3 to 6.

This test of obedience laid a foundation of how man was going to react to God’s laws. Adam sinned and lost God’s favor and that caused us dearly. We have to work hard, fighting with imperfection and the Devil and his foes to prove our obedience to our heavenly Father. Holding fast to the laws provided in the Bible is a sure way towards our survival.  Still Jehovah expects each one of us to obey His loving rules which He says are not burdensome. Your obedience will mean your life.

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