Friday, November 14, 2014

How to Be Happy In a Relationship

Some people have the perception that the only way to be happy in a relationship is by being rich. On the contrary, a lot of people are living cheap lives yet they are happy in their relationship. The truth is that happiness does not in any way depend on money but how you intend to relate with the other person be it your spouse or your close friend. The following are some of the important tips that will ensure that your relationship with others goes well regardless of your financial position:

It is important to first understand that wearing a smile can go a long way in determining how good your relationship with others will be. In this regard, it is important that you find time to smile with others. Be sure to let see your love partner or your friend that you are happy and they will definitely be happy too.

Accept Who You Are
Like stated earlier, it does not matter if you are living a cheap life. Happiness has the power to turn everything. You must first learn to accept who you are and avoid in any way competing with others. Trying to reach other will only make you moody, jealous and unhappy and it is not healthy when relating with others. Instead, learn to appreciate others and most of all yourself.

Avoid Fighting With Others
For a better relationship with your love partner or a friend, you must keep away from unnecessary fights. Needless to say, fights are the key cause of relationship breakage in all situations. Instead of engaging in fights every now and then, why don’t you take time to make best of friends? It is no harm to have more friends. As a matter of fact, that will only help in strengthening your relationship with others.

Avoid Gossip
Gossip is a great enemy to any relationship. The moment you start gossiping about you partner or a pal, it is a breaking point to that relationship. The friend you talked about will at one point here about how much you have said and they will definitely get hurt for such betrayals. Whenever you have a problem with a friend instead of talking behind their back just confront them and air out your issue and try come up with a solution

Have a Life
As much as this person is your friend do not expect them to always call you every day. They might have other issues on their mind and want to be alone as long as they know you are okay please leave them alone. The greatest friends are those that will take a long time to talk or even see each other but when they get together they pick from where they left like they were never apart. Do not nag your friend asking why they never called, or why they never visited. Have other things you can do when you are not in their company, sometimes avoid them, this makes the relationship last longer because there will be less conflicts. Make your own goals; don’t let your friends decide it for you because at some point you will feel worn out and you will not be happy.

 Choose True Friends
 Friends are those that you can remember long after they have gone, those that you know they will always be there. The greatest of all are those who you do not even know they are your friends, you only know them once a need arises. Those that will help you when you need it and it seems like you are all alone in the world. When family is of no or is of little help, they will come to your rescue.  One true friend is better than ten family members.

  Have Goals
The best way to meet you goals is by first setting them; do not let any one set them for you because you will be living a lie. It does matter how great you friend is or how influential they are in society, whatever they have it is their achievement and if you are living under their shadow then you will not be living your life to the fullest, set your own goals and live up to them and if along the way they merge with your friends well and good but do not bank on them they might never be.

 Remember friends come in many forms; some will be there to be remembered on sight others will be kept in secret place in our heart and locked so as never to escape


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