Saturday, August 2, 2014

Five Biggest Mistakes Ladies Make On Dates

EVERYTHING is ready and well planned. The romantic evening candle light, soothing music, a perfect rendezvous and dinner has been set. You choose your perfect red dress to match with your sexy red spotted heels and the most enticing fragrance to delight your “suitor”. You want his attention, capture his interest and show Mr. “prince charming” just how perfect a woman you are. But the question is how you do it? Relationship experts lament that, it is not only what you do that day, but also what you do not that makes the difference between getting a phone call the next day and never hearing from the man again. On your next date avoid these five mistakes that will ruin your chance for romance.

 1. Baggage from past relationship

 In her book, You Deserve Healthy Love Sister, Dr. Grace Cornish says, “A lot of ladies bring baggage from old relationships into a new union expecting the same actions from the new guy. She will watch his every move, waiting for something to go wrong that will drive.” Simply put, the fastest way to make your guy run away from you is to constantly bring up difficulties in your life caused by others. No man wants to hear a woman complain about what a dog the other guy was. Think of this as a man; during a date a woman told you that you reminded her of a handsome boyfriend. Suddenly, she remembered all the heartache he caused her and the evening’s mood changed for the worse. Chances are, if a lady has a lot of drama in her life she will bring it into yours.

 2. Premature expectations

 After a few romantic dates, some ladies may start to be serious. Forcing a relationship that hasn’t developed, may prove detrimental. Give your man time to catch up with you emotionally and be aware that he may not feel exactly the way you feel. As a lady, remember chances are, if your current guy was dating before he met you, he probably didn’t stop because of you no matter how much you would like to think so. Women think that because they have fallen for you, that you feel the same way. They fail to realize that at least someone generally has to fall first. 

As a lady, you need to leave your guy reach to that point by his own, without being forced to make a decision prematurely. Most men prefer a drama-free life style. Ladies ought not to make a mistake of attempting to lay down the law too soon. Don’t be in a hurry to bring up what he will and won’t stand for when dating a man. Since it is too early lighten up my sister.

 3. Sex too soon 

Introducing intimacy into a relationship too quickly may be the quickest route to the demise of healthy long term relationship. It may be cliche but if a lady sleeps with a man too quickly, he won’t respect her. That is directly from many I have talked to and researched on. So, if the guy is worth it, let him wait. When sex is introduced in a relationship, it blows the dynamics off the weighing scale. Sex is too powerful in that it clouds all issues. In those early times, sex becomes the focus. After all, what do you share? It is a necessary ingredient and easily overshadows the process of getting to know each other. If you give in to sex too soon, you are likely not to know your guy better and vice versa. You will continue doing mistakes if you allow a great date or a series of dates to make your starry-eyed and swoon to the point that you go to bed with the guy too early.

 4. Focusing on his money 

The Hidden Lover, a book authored by William July II says, “The biggest issue guys have is being used or sneezed referring who accept dates simply to go out for a cup of coffee or dinner without paying.” These can be expensive proposition financially and emotionally. Today’s dating scene requires equality on both sides of the table. When a bill comes, both hands should be reaching, out for it. So he recommend: Go lunch, share the cheque. That way, the lady doesn’t feel that the guy is trying to owe him and the guy doesn’t feel that she is using him either. Nobody would want to show up in the first date on what he or she has, check stubs, bank statements and debit cards in hand.

 5. Pretending to be someone you are not 

No matter who you are trying to be, guys believe that the real you, is bound to come out. If you haste cooking don’t make a gourmet meal for date two, three or four. If you hate sports, don’t pretend you do by cuddling under my arm every evening during my favorite EPL match. You can only play superwoman for so long. When you have the inability to express your true identity, you lose your perceptive on who you are and how to act on your relationship. 

If you don’t know your own goals, you can’t effectively match yourself with a mate. Whatever you do, what is important for the success of a relationship to be is a mutual desire on the part of each person to have a true relationship. Both people should be committed. Both must share the same value, structure and goals in a relationship. By avoiding these mistakes and being honest with yourself and to your guy, happiness is likely to be just a date.


 Quick Easy Tips

 Do not display an attitude.
 Do not talk about your ex boyfriend.
 Do not ask for money.
 Do not wear your heart on your sleeve.
 Do not be overly interested on what he owns.

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