Saturday, November 14, 2015

How To Achieve The V-Tape, Everything You Need To Know

Many people who are interested in bodybuilding know the ultimate and perfect way to achieve a V-Tape shape that is also referred to as V-Taper. While, they understand practical ways to attain that brilliant shape, there is another group of enthusiasts, who marvel with awe. Nonetheless, here is the simplest guide on how to achieve the V-Tape, everything you need to know about the shape that every man craves for:

1. Concentrate On Your Shoulders

The kind of shoulders that will aid in your getting the V-Tape shape that you want are broad, big enough and wide. This will be the first step towards helping you get that shape. In order to reach the target that you need, there are specific exercises that are recommended for that. Parallel bar dips that contain weight, military press with dumbbells or bars, lateral raises at the rear and side laterals are best suited for building those wider broader shoulders.

2. Wide Cobra Back

Without a wide back that is mostly referred to as a cobra back, you are nothing close to attaining a V-Tape shape. Supported by the shoulder above, the cobra back is equally important in your quest for the killer V-Taper shape. If you need to bring your back closer or to the shape that is required, you need to start practicing the following exercises: chin-ups, pull-ups that are of a weighted wider grip, and what is termed as deadlifting. The latter is highly recommended because it works best for the entire back.

It is also paramount that you learn the best techniques of performing the deadlift lest you may end wearing out most of your body tissues, which will have detrimental effects on your bodybuilding endeavor.

3. Getting Your Chest Into Shape

A proper chest shape is imperative for those that yearn to have a V-Taper. After all, how would you ever dream of having that shape if you do not do something to build your chest? Apart from being one of the four important parts that add up to your achieving your V-Shape, your chest supports the whole look of your body physique without a proper chest shape, your wider shoulders will be a desperate projection that calls for action.

Bodybuilding experts assert that inclined bench press, parallel bar dips and regular bench press are the best exercises that will bring your chest into the right size to support the V-Tape shape.

Just like the other parts, you need to learn the proper dose of press, sets and reps lest you will be doing nothing that routine body fitness exercise that is everybody’s recommendation.

4. Achieving That Slimmer Waist

The last important body part in your quest for the V-Taper is a slim waist. Many people including women know that the waist is central in a good body shape. Little wonder, they try to achieve a slim body waist that will help them acquire the ultimate potty shape.

There is no difference with acquiring the V-Taper. However, a little more is needed in order to attain that slimmer waist that in turn will project the V-Tape shape. Make sure that your body fat content is somewhere below 15 per cent. Besides, perform vacuuming that will allow you suck your belly inside.

The above practices coupled with hanging your legs, performing cable crunches, and doing Ab wheel rollouts will no doubt help you answer the question how to achieve the V-tape, everything you need to know in the most candid manner.

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