Sunday, July 6, 2014

Should You Or Should You Not Take Alcohol?

What a question! You may exclaim. This is one of the questions that have elicited heated debate across the globe among followers of different religious groups from all walks of life. What is your take on this subject? Should one take liquor? Whereas it is understood that beliefs and faith play a role in your determination to stay chaste and faithful to God, it could be wise to take a moment and reexamine what the Holy book speak about the matter.
Those who support the consumption of liquor, base their argument on several scriptures that you and I may not have known. Granted, they have the liberty to do so. Those who oppose on the hand can dig into several citations from the same book in a bid to condemn alcohol intake of whatever amount. Faced with these daunting situations, which way is the right way? How should you choose and make a wise decision? Which side has the truth? Let us tackle those and other questions head on. 

When two people have diverse views on a subject, and you want to make a decision about the subject at hand, the wise way is to look for a third person. Interestingly, that person is the author of that “controversial” topic. So the question is what does the author of the Bible say? We get noble views in the Bible that can help us reach an amicable answer. 

In His Word, Jehovah talks on several presents that He has given His subjects on Earth. Among these, wine is mentioned. Wine that makes faces of mortal men shine and eradicates sorrow.-Ps.104:15 compare Isaiah 25:6 In fact, the latter speaks of Jehovah providing people and inviting them for a banquet. What a generous Father!

An in depth scrutiny of the Bible will direct you to a place in Cana in Galilee where Jesus performed his first miracle on record that involved the changing of water into wine, since party organizers had run short of drinks. If by now you think that the Bible is advocating for alcohol consumption, you are far from the truth. Look at this:

Proverbs chapter 23 verse 29 through 35 gives detailed characteristics of liquor in a glass and goes further to explain the consequences to those who engage in the over consumption of alcohol. This and many other scriptures show imminent side effects of taking liquor. With that information, how on earth are you going to decide? Here is a tip.

Whereas many people choose to be sided, the Bible gives answers to our concerns. Good to be noted that Jehovah no longer deals with us as he did with ancient Israelites by giving them strict rules of either Do or Not Do. He gives us a chance to use our able mind to distinguish right from wrong. As to whether you will take liquor or not, the Bible’s view rests on moderation if your decision is yes. 

How much and from where will you take your favorite brand? Stay on this page. 

How Safe Are You At Your Work Place?

I am asking this question with your best interest at heart. Safety at your work place is as paramount as the job itself. Trust me; if you are not safe in any manner at your work place, you are likely to compromise your delivery. Safety ensures smooth delivery of any service given to clients. But wait, what essentially do I mean here? It is simple.  I want to ensure that everything is okay at your place of work.
Remember how important your job is. It can be that you work in that office that demands your presence around the clock because there are many clients to attend to. If that is the case, do you have enough drinking water for you and even your clients who may be in need of it when in your office? What of the ventilations? Ensuring that the windows are wide open to allow in sufficient air is vital to your health especially if it’s hot and humid.

If you work in any industry that produces goods, you need to be very careful with the way you handle chemicals if any. Wearing of high quality hand gloves, putting on safety boots and recommended aprons and overalls are sure means of ensuring that you keep safe at your work place. This is especially important for those who work in mines excavate soil for building, and refrigeration flower plants in greenhouses to name but a few.

There is yet another group that may be forgotten. Doctors, clinical officers and nurses fall in this group. They too need to take safety precautions since they in most cases deal directly with sick people who may infect them with airborne diseases. They should be extremely cautious when handling such patients. Additionally, they do good to get their regular immunizations to curb this beforehand. 

Safety though goes beyond these measures. It extends to how better one knows to use elevators, lifts and the type of shoes worn at your work place. Considering the type of floor, weather and the place of your office or work, be sure of your occupational safety.

Whichever the case, whatever the weather, take safety precautions at your work place. Your work should never be taken for granted. From here, your family feeds.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Situations That You Should Not Know Before Hand

It is human and normal to be curious especially if something affects you directly. Some things happen too fast though, that we hardly find enough time to contemplate even fathom of the aftermath. When that happens, we are left to ponder in our hearts what we should have done, had we known. Be it as it may, there are certain things that are better when not known to us. In fact, there are things that are better concealed from our very knowledge for our good. Consider the following examples:

First and foremost, what could your life be like if you knew that you would die tomorrow? Oh! Not even I would imagine how my life would be like as I am writing. Believe you me; life would become useless in the remaining part of the day before you retire. It is with wisdom therefore that we were made with the inability to predict the future even if we tried with the help of even the most sophisticated machines.

Counselors of whatever field therefore, need to employ tact and discretion, when handling clients whose life ultimatum seems definite. After all, who will live forever in the current system of things?  An example of this is a medical counselor who should speak compassionately to a seemingly “dyeing” patient faced with a terminal condition. It is important for your client not to know in advance of any possible dangers of unending condition.

Another situation that it is important not to know is an election or political verdict. Put yourself in ‘the shoes’ of politicians. They use an incredible amount of money in their vigorous and rigorous campaigns. Suppose you sat with a politician after the party performed dismally hence failed. Would it be advisable to lament during the counseling session, that you foresaw this failure? Don’t dare. You will face the wrath of the politician. Simply put, even if it were you, you would at least expect a commendation not a condemnation.

Professional counselors know when to reveal or not to reveal certain information to their clients. Besides, as a confidant to most depressed souls, you will do good to be a true friend to all your clients.

If you are working in a bank or somehow in the money lending industry, in as much as transparency is vital, you may be compelled not to tell to your clients all that is required at least not in their first visit. Other things can be learnt in the course of the transaction period.

Lawyers should be good and honest advisers to their clients. That being the case though, would it be wise if you foresaw the verdict of the case belonging to your client and then go ahead to aptly tell this news to your client? I bet if you do so, you would be causing a substantial risk of prejudice to the case.

I believe you are a qualified and an experienced counselor. Now you know when it is important for your client not to know.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Do You Deserve That Love?

What does your inner self tell you about that thought provoking question? Does it tell you that you deserve? I am happy if it tells you so for everyone needs to be shown compassion by others especially those that we deem loving. After all, don’t you love someone? While I assume that you do, allow me tell you what may makes other people feel like they are not worthy of love anymore. I suggest that when I do so though, you refocus on your expectations making sure that they are indeed real and reachable. These might be the reasons why you feel that you will never get to the point of getting the love that you yearned for.

1.  Wrong expectations may have taken a toll in your heart making it impossible for you to realize true love because you anticipated for a smooth sail in the “ocean” of love. I brand it ocean because love is vast. It is a feeling that even scholars have not been able to define it in simple terms. If that is the condition with love and if we can believe that theory of “unexplained definite” meaning, then who are you not to adjust your expectations? You should.

2.  Self esteem is another strong weapon when it comes to love. Whether you can believe in yourself or not, does not help me but it can help you a great deal. Simply put, good self esteem ensures that one is sure of the inner self the inner being that yes I am attractive, admirable and that I can be loved no matter what. There has been a debate as to whether looks affect love, and the answer to that controversial debate, depends on how you look at it at a personal level. Why do I say this? This draws us to the third point.

3.  I look gorgeous but still, I cannot get that perfect love of my heart! You may say. Don’t forget though, that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder who you are not in this case. Remember, even those that have been labeled as the world’s most ugly people by the Guinness book of world records, have lovers. In fact, lovers that you may not have a gist at even get! This then means that, whereas you have feelings that you do not deserve to be loved there could be somebody somewhere who is eying you and possibly is waiting for that particular moment to show up to you. 

In the mean time, put this in mind; love is never forced. You will get the love of your heart for you definitely deserve to be loved.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Meditation: The Gateway to Relaxation and Happiness

Are you depressed to the point of not knowing what to do? Relax as I take you through what can help you alleviate your seemingly never ending problem. At the moment, you do not need to underestimate varied dangers that depression can bring to your health and family. With that informed mind, let us take this walk down a well researched article on the benefits of a good health meditation that will prove important in getting rid of that depressed state, replacing it with a relaxed happy mind.

While you could be wondering how meditation will be of help to curb depression, researchers have found that, meditation periods give one a chance to refocus on one’s individual worthiness. When you could be thinking that the society looks down on you, meditation helps one to evaluate the real value of the life we posses today. If for instance a man is depressed, he will be susceptible to stigma from colleagues and this will therefore affect their delivery to their respectful families if any. Men will do good to believe in themselves for their families to remain strong.

You are likely to make a full use of your meditation if you set aside time to do so regularly. Granted, it is understood that in the world today, it might not be easy to find enough time for us to enjoy relaxed moments away from our “hustle and tussles” that take most of our time so as to meditate. But time taken to meditate is time well spent. You may be perplexed of the complexity of the whole issue, but the truth of the matter is that if you create enough time to contemplate of the good old days during your youth, the life you enjoyed when starting your first job and probably how well you spent your first salary, will help you ease the tension that would have mounted in your heart and you will finally find a relaxing and a happy mind.

Meditation does not end the problem though. All it does is to help cool the stings of the realities of the current financial, social and environmental constrains. You may find it helpful so if you knew the best way to go about your meditation. Isn’t it? Some find it easy when they are left alone in beautiful scenery to meditate from. If you are that type of a person, find a cool place full of tranquility as you take down the good memories of the day. 

 Another group would prefer to enjoy soothing music played in the background as they try and remember good situations in their lives.  Still others would want to play a musical instrument suited to their preference in a bid to relax their minds. All these efforts are commendable and lead to your mind relaxing and becoming happier than before. Whatever you choose to do and whichever approach you may use to meditate, be sure that your efforts are worthy.

In the quest of knowing what to meditate about, don’t forget one fact though: meditation brings into live the whole thing of oneself, the importance of being alive and the need to bring change to the society whenever necessary.

 Meditation is the key remedy to those who groan in the pain of depression.