Friday, July 4, 2014

Situations That You Should Not Know Before Hand

It is human and normal to be curious especially if something affects you directly. Some things happen too fast though, that we hardly find enough time to contemplate even fathom of the aftermath. When that happens, we are left to ponder in our hearts what we should have done, had we known. Be it as it may, there are certain things that are better when not known to us. In fact, there are things that are better concealed from our very knowledge for our good. Consider the following examples:

First and foremost, what could your life be like if you knew that you would die tomorrow? Oh! Not even I would imagine how my life would be like as I am writing. Believe you me; life would become useless in the remaining part of the day before you retire. It is with wisdom therefore that we were made with the inability to predict the future even if we tried with the help of even the most sophisticated machines.

Counselors of whatever field therefore, need to employ tact and discretion, when handling clients whose life ultimatum seems definite. After all, who will live forever in the current system of things?  An example of this is a medical counselor who should speak compassionately to a seemingly “dyeing” patient faced with a terminal condition. It is important for your client not to know in advance of any possible dangers of unending condition.

Another situation that it is important not to know is an election or political verdict. Put yourself in ‘the shoes’ of politicians. They use an incredible amount of money in their vigorous and rigorous campaigns. Suppose you sat with a politician after the party performed dismally hence failed. Would it be advisable to lament during the counseling session, that you foresaw this failure? Don’t dare. You will face the wrath of the politician. Simply put, even if it were you, you would at least expect a commendation not a condemnation.

Professional counselors know when to reveal or not to reveal certain information to their clients. Besides, as a confidant to most depressed souls, you will do good to be a true friend to all your clients.

If you are working in a bank or somehow in the money lending industry, in as much as transparency is vital, you may be compelled not to tell to your clients all that is required at least not in their first visit. Other things can be learnt in the course of the transaction period.

Lawyers should be good and honest advisers to their clients. That being the case though, would it be wise if you foresaw the verdict of the case belonging to your client and then go ahead to aptly tell this news to your client? I bet if you do so, you would be causing a substantial risk of prejudice to the case.

I believe you are a qualified and an experienced counselor. Now you know when it is important for your client not to know.

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