Friday, November 14, 2014

How to Be Happy In a Relationship

Some people have the perception that the only way to be happy in a relationship is by being rich. On the contrary, a lot of people are living cheap lives yet they are happy in their relationship. The truth is that happiness does not in any way depend on money but how you intend to relate with the other person be it your spouse or your close friend. The following are some of the important tips that will ensure that your relationship with others goes well regardless of your financial position:

It is important to first understand that wearing a smile can go a long way in determining how good your relationship with others will be. In this regard, it is important that you find time to smile with others. Be sure to let see your love partner or your friend that you are happy and they will definitely be happy too.

Accept Who You Are
Like stated earlier, it does not matter if you are living a cheap life. Happiness has the power to turn everything. You must first learn to accept who you are and avoid in any way competing with others. Trying to reach other will only make you moody, jealous and unhappy and it is not healthy when relating with others. Instead, learn to appreciate others and most of all yourself.

Avoid Fighting With Others
For a better relationship with your love partner or a friend, you must keep away from unnecessary fights. Needless to say, fights are the key cause of relationship breakage in all situations. Instead of engaging in fights every now and then, why don’t you take time to make best of friends? It is no harm to have more friends. As a matter of fact, that will only help in strengthening your relationship with others.

Avoid Gossip
Gossip is a great enemy to any relationship. The moment you start gossiping about you partner or a pal, it is a breaking point to that relationship. The friend you talked about will at one point here about how much you have said and they will definitely get hurt for such betrayals. Whenever you have a problem with a friend instead of talking behind their back just confront them and air out your issue and try come up with a solution

Have a Life
As much as this person is your friend do not expect them to always call you every day. They might have other issues on their mind and want to be alone as long as they know you are okay please leave them alone. The greatest friends are those that will take a long time to talk or even see each other but when they get together they pick from where they left like they were never apart. Do not nag your friend asking why they never called, or why they never visited. Have other things you can do when you are not in their company, sometimes avoid them, this makes the relationship last longer because there will be less conflicts. Make your own goals; don’t let your friends decide it for you because at some point you will feel worn out and you will not be happy.

 Choose True Friends
 Friends are those that you can remember long after they have gone, those that you know they will always be there. The greatest of all are those who you do not even know they are your friends, you only know them once a need arises. Those that will help you when you need it and it seems like you are all alone in the world. When family is of no or is of little help, they will come to your rescue.  One true friend is better than ten family members.

  Have Goals
The best way to meet you goals is by first setting them; do not let any one set them for you because you will be living a lie. It does matter how great you friend is or how influential they are in society, whatever they have it is their achievement and if you are living under their shadow then you will not be living your life to the fullest, set your own goals and live up to them and if along the way they merge with your friends well and good but do not bank on them they might never be.

 Remember friends come in many forms; some will be there to be remembered on sight others will be kept in secret place in our heart and locked so as never to escape


Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Ladies Do To Scare Their Men

Whether you are in marriage, in engagement, or in an open relationship with a lady, at one point, when a disagreement arises and you are not able to solve it between yourselves, you are likely to face threats from your lady. These are not mere threats as such for they are bound to break your relationship maybe terminate your love if not taken seriously. It is good to learn in advance, the likely threats that you might encounter swoon when an argument between you and her escalates. As you do this though, beware that you can cub this by the way you treat your mate. Virtually, it depends on you as a head how you handle your private matters. To that end, these are some of the things your lady is likely to throw to you in a bid to scare you completely:
Not take care of your laundry

Part of the work of a lady is to make sure that their men are neat and smart. This is especially important to those in a marriage union. The Bible rightly put it that Jehovah made Eve to be Adam’s helper-Genesis 2:18. Whether it was to help in other matters or not, the Holy book does not specify thus does not rule out laundry care. Many married men go out for work and leave the rest of house chores to be attended to by their spouses. This has led to many not knowing even how to take care of even the simplest of the house chores. Therefore, if there is a disagreement that does not seem to end soon, she will threaten you of not washing your clothes.

Pay dowry or I quit

Among the most used threats to scare men from most traditions who embrace the payment of dowry as a sign of formalizing marriages. Believe you me it shakes most men to the chore. Payment of dowry before you take up a woman for marriage is paramount among most cultures in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Though the trend is changing fast because of civilization and the world becoming a global village, those who cling to culture; which to me is a fair deal, face this threat more than others. It is even becoming rampant since many people are now than ever cohabiting before they legally marry each other.

My parents must know 

In some incidents where the man’s pedigree is known to be of low income than that of the lady, chances of receiving this type of a threat are inevitable. Women tend to believe that when things have gone sour, pouring down information about their endless marital conflicts to her family is enough to silence her husband. As a lady, you are lying to yourself in this regard. You married your man not withstanding his background. Surprisingly, there are those it perfectly works for. Let not your in-laws intrude your marriage as a man.

No present, no sex

Defined as an action more than a mere threat, some men are suffering in the hands of their mates for not meeting some of the “greedy” demands of their spouses. Since it is difficult for most men to speak out their problems to their friends however much they trust them, it turns to be the “unspoken homicide”, killing our men softly. Some ladies put high measures to their spouses others as far as asking for an imported Rolls Royce in exchange of the rightly deserved conjugal rights.

You are not the father

Known to be the worst mental threat there has been in marriage, this enters the born marrows of a man crushing his soul forever. It is said that this is aimed at balancing the love the man gives his children. Granted, there is a child who you dearly love simply because they resemble you in every aspect and there are those you are slightly not fond of. Whatever the case, the lady can decide to inform you in the eye that the child you love most is actually not your progeny. How will that make you feel? Well, these can be just well thought schemes to silence you and put you under the control of your woman.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

5 Undisputed Signs That Your Marriage Is Falling Apart

It is sad that some things get worse every day and unless drastic measures are taken to contain the situation, our generation is bound to be extinct. I would not like it to reach this far with your mate now that you have raised such a beautiful family. It is my sincere prayer that before it gets worse anyway, you look up to this site for incisive articles that will help you make wise decisions in future as regards your marriage life especially when things seem to be getting out of hand. I must commend you though that you have tried several means to see it work out better for both of you. However, you need to admit that you have not exhausted all possible avenues at least this one.

Many people me inclusive; enter into the marriage with the aim of getting peace. If that is what you have in mind, you are very right. The fact is good marriage can be a haven where joy and peace prevail. On the other hand, if marriage is marred with conflicts that end up in the hands of neighbors even local leaders that marriage will hardly give any a sense of identity. We would like to associate ourselves with peaceable couples. Marriage mates should be watchful of the following signs for they not only show that something is wrong in your marriage, but also indicate a serious danger of a falling marriage.

1. Endless conflicts

If you practically argue with your mate on everything, I am scared that your marriage is in trouble. Researchers and marriage experts believe that a couple will never meet on everything possible in their marriage but at least they will agree on most things since they have much time to consult. Unfortunately, some marriage mates must argue out their point bitterly for them to feel that they are heard.

2. Fits of anger

It is not bad to be angry at times since we err many times and the possibility of getting offended by our mates cannot be underestimated. The challenge that faces couples everyday is on how to control themselves after feeling that their spouses have wronged them in one way or another. Since anger is inevitable, you do good to avoid fits-the recurring bit of anger and the feeling that you need to vent it onto somebody for you to be okay.

3. Long silence

It is never wrong to seek time to be alone for sometime during the day. In fact, such solitary time allows you to refocus, reexamine and evaluate yourself on necessary things you need to adjust. Long time spent on solitude is inexcusable though. Your mate needs your company for it is fundamental for the couple to warmly appreciate one another especially at night a time to talk about the goings of each other's day.

4. Avoiding meals

If your partner does not enjoy meals with you of late, this is a serious sign that something is wrong with either your cooking or your intention of bringing the food home. When a couple sit for at least a meal a day, it gives them a chance to express themselves better over the meal. One may ask, where does your mate eat from nowadays? Well, you should be concerned on the feelings of your mate when you don’t take meals from the house.

5. Complaints

It is not bad to inquire why something was done differently from the expected especially when something concerns you. It sounds awkward though, if your spouse complains on virtually everything. You had better looked for other possible channels of solving problems amicably rather than raising complaints now and again. If complaints escalate they will lead to either party throwing tantrums which is also a sign that your marriage in thriving on a slippery ground.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Why People Engage in Extramarital Relationship

Love started when they both stormed into each other’s face in this shopping mall down in the coast. That time, the guy was doing his diploma studies in IT at a local polytechnic in the area, and the lady had just come from the city to visit her aunt who by then was working with the fisheries department. Hardly did they know that for subsequent years, they will exchange numbers and chat the whole night on social media as long as they would be able to keep the conversation alive and at the end, get in a serious relationship.

For many, this is not a story that belongs to someone else but a real thing that happen to them every other day. Whichever the situation, this is what happened to this couple whose love live started like a little fire that later engulfed the entire field stretching to the neighbour’s thus their relationship has gone sour after wadding in the love mainstream for a couple of years.

You may be surprised to realize that such scenarios happen in our neighbourhood’s day in day out. Hardly do people take emphasis about this until it involves you and loved one. So it touches you and me. Whatever happens, you are not justified to go for a second affair lest you are likely to lose even what you have. It would be wise to focus on how to mend such loop holes that are about to get you out of the love of your heart. After all, nobody will ever like to lose what they have worked for a long time. If such things happen to you, take time to meditate and see whether indeed there is a need to forge another love. It would be ideal then that we reexamine ourselves again.

Every cloud has a silver lining says an old adage. Your home and family should be a shaven where you find leisure and pleasure whenever you want it. This will happen to you no matter what has happened so far. Therefore, it all depends on how much you can do in as much as things seem to have gone astray. When you first saw each other, you went ahead and promised to love one other and the more you spent time in travelling to your best destinations in the world if you ever did, bought presents to your mate; learnt to do some things together, some of which you did not even know, meant that you have created time for the only one you loved. What has made the changes that you no longer want to see the one you once held to your bosom should not escalate beyond here. In just a day you became a gourmet because you thought this could impress your mate. All this was in a bid to enhance your love for your new catch. Whatever happened can be mended to suit both of you. It is not too late to seek to redress and repair your in house granted you do not employ mundane excuses.

You can always find a way out of that difficult situation in your life. Talking to a counselor is the best way to start. But even before you do that, you might be forced to give it another approach of perusing different pages that are believed to have relevant information. Another way that will definitely be of help to you is to create time for your mate. This time should be dedicated top listening to your mate as they tell their take on the topic at hand; as you intently follow what they have to say that is rendering your love unbearable for both of you. During this important time in your live when trying to revamp your love, the value should be given to knowing what hurts your mate and not who has done what. The blame game does not help any of you in this stage.

It is of good help if you still see your mate as the only one that has ever existed. This type of thinking will help you have an attitude of loving them forever since there is no one to replace them no matter what happened. I am not endorsing any sense of brutality in my sentiments but you may likely see some sense in all that you will do regarding your mate. You will do yourself a favour if only you realize that since you met your current mate many years ago, time has run so fast. In fact you are getting older everyday never to go back to where you met those heydays. Do all you can to love and maintain your mate for they are all the same. No one is an angel but you can have yours today.

Monday, August 18, 2014

What Men Should Beware About Ladies

Our sisters are awesome. Without them the world would be formless. A woman is the epitome of beauty in the society she hails from. With their help, a man is able to stand before colleagues thanks to a lot of efforts employed by the lady behind him in the backyard. If you are not aligning yourself with my word, stay there a little bit longer for justification. 
                                                            "Were it not for her, 
                                                           alien objects would be
                                                   intruding your car every evening."
First, let me start with your mother. She carried you for nine months in her womb and you comfortably played in her belly as it lost shape as it dawned till you saw the light of the day. Even if I stop there, isn't it justifiable? You can’t deny this fact that gets all mankind. She was uncomfortable for a couple of more days even weeks of nursing the wounds especially for those who went through caesarian section or episiotomy for our young sisters.

Even after the nursing of wounds, there came the daunting bit-weaning you as you learn the new “tricks” of becoming a young lad for lack of a better word. This is the time in life that you should always remember that your mom indeed did a lot to see you grow a young and vibrant man who you are or once were.

Now that you are past her bosom and that you have had your own life and possibly a family, look back on her with appreciation and commendation rather than condemnation. She is a real and true woman. She deserves your love. Yes I mean even the lady beside you in your life however young she may be.

On the other hand, there are those who do not deserve to be given any title since they have done nothing to deserve it whatsoever. Those who fall in this category are those who under unclear circumstances terminated their pregnancies. This is illegal. Others tried to burn their female colleagues because rumour had it that her man was cheating on her and the culprit is at hand. 

Intruders like these would be invading every evening.
Away from problems, never underestimate the strength of that lady in your life. They ensure that your clothes are ironed and stored properly, your food is ready in time; you remember your loved ones, something you might easily forget if she is not around. Our ladies make sure that we look good before other’s in as much as this is selfish... chances are you would suffer malnutrition were it not for her constant craving of different spices and foreign cuisines. 

There are imminent reasons to believe that; were it not for her, “alien objects” would be intruding your car every evening from work. To crown the goodness of your princess, think of this: could you really put up that little place you call your home? I doubt. 

Many dudes, me inclusive, having looked around and the atmosphere suggests that you are “free” without responsibilities, you end up saying that it is needless to have a place to call your own. After all, what is the need for one when you have a place you put your head? Therefore, behind every successful man, there is a prudent woman and vice versa.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Multiple Streams of Income When Engaging In Online Business

This is one area that has been perceived by many as the business of the elite. However, given a critical look, there are many multiple streams of income when one does business with the help of a computer. Especially in the current digital era, one should not be speaking of nothing but specific means of making an income by the use of the vast information found in the internet. Now, many people can access a computer than it used to be in the late 1980s and early 90s.  Almost every homestead has a computer or a means to get one.

What does that mean? With that vast information available in the website, we are able to get these multiple streams of income. These, coupled with little skills on how to operate a computer, can be a good source of income. Online content writing for example, is an ingenious means of getting an income. What one needs to understand in the case of online content writing is what is involved in online article writing. After knowing how to search and navigate through the search engine, you are good to go as an online writer. You do not need to have a Degree or a Diploma in journalism and related studies for you to be a writer! As long as you understand the rules of the game, you can earn a legitimate living.

Another way that you can create an income for yourself is engaging in blogging. A blogger can be a trained person or not. Interestingly, you only need to have traffic in your blog. Among the multiple streams of income, this is the easiest. Why do I say so? In your personal blog, you decide to write on a subject you are passionate about. Within your blog, you can share your photos, you are able to interact with your readers and earn in the long run. Earning is brought about by the number of people who visit your blog. Every other time they source information from your blog, the number of viewers increase, and advertisers will then post their advertisements in your blog. This is money.

Those gifted with art and can be able to take good videos can also benefit greatly from these online platforms. By placing their artistic work and videos online, they will reap from their sweat. Nonetheless, these multiple streams of income do not come to the lazy. How many people have able gadgets but only use them to play games? While the number may vary from one region to another, and may depend on the age bracket, there are those who just sit in front of the computer to have fun instead of earning a living from it.

Be it as it may, for one to survive in these hard economic times, you have to be innovative in whatever thing you may be doing. While different governments are trying so hard to empower the young and old alike, may you then seize the opportunity and fully benefit from these available avenues of making money. Yes, you can choose a way of earning a living that best suits you from the multiple streams of income available.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to Solve Marital Conflicts

Arguments are inevitable in every union under the sun. The only difference that exists between your relationship and mine is the degree at which my spouse and I argue. We may be very vocal on a daily basis, whereas you argue periodically thus the difference. It does not mean that our marriages are bound to fail, but this is a sign that things are either good or are going sour. It should be understood though that, as mentioned in the outset, in every relationship, there should be a difference in opinion between marriage partners, and this may lead to troublesome quarrels, heated arguments and at times this will result to either or both harboring resentment.
                                                                                                 “If you don’t,
                                                                        who then are you
                                                                reserving that precious time for?”
Conflicts are not justifiable in any given set up. We may have differences in opinion that is based on facts and principles and this is guaranteed. However, it is not a leeway to having confrontations with our loved ones. After all, does it sound nice when your neighbors sleep and wake up every day with your arguments on petty issues? It doesn’t. Your neighbors deserve a little courtesy. To solve your marital arguments however, there are practical steps that you will definitely need to apply lest your marriage is doomed to collapse.

Communicate well with your mate

Communication is vital in every relationship. There is however a big difference between the normal chat that exist among peers, colleagues at work, acquaintances and your partner. Your spouse deserves quality, healthy intimate discussion at time from perfectly chosen rendezvous. Create time to talk to your spouse about anything especially what might be stressing. It is agreeable that the social dynamism that we are experiencing in the world may not give you time to speak to your spouse as it allowed you a couple of years ago, but you have to create that time for your partner. If you don’t, who then are you reserving that precious time for?

Have time for your mate

Visit a serene place like this  and have fun with your spouse.
More than anybody else including your boss, exclusive of your children if there, your mate requires your time. This time is different from what we have been speaking in the preceding paragraph. This is meant to nurture the love you have had, reflect on any shortcomings and challenges that you have had overtime, and deliberate on ways to combat similar challenges in future. Many a times, you may find it wise to settle on a vacation in the Kenyan coastal town of Malindi. I am specific because of reasons that I will mention here in forthcoming articles. You can swim together, wad in the shallow waters with your hand gentle holding your spouse, and by doing these you are confirming and affirming your love.

Forgive your mate

Arguments emanate from misunderstandings that come as a result of one mate not meeting particular standards set by the other. Be it as it may, the set standards are not holy, lofty and are prone to selfish dispositions. If your partner therefore fails to meet given standards that you strongly feel that they shouldn’t have, prudence calls for asking why things were done otherwise. Having satisfactorily looked at your mate’s reason of resorting into doing so, you may then decide to forgive knowing that nobody yes no man is perfect for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God thus susceptible to error. Forgive you mate and move on. Tomorrow it might be you failing to meet the standards laid and agreed by both of you sometimes on paper.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Why Rich People Don't Find Love

"The rich also cry". Many people are familiar with that simple quote that has much in it. Whether it relates with the theme or not, the rich cry and indeed mourn for love. They will never enjoy what you and I have in surplus. If you belong to the group that I am addressing today, don’t panic for your pay day is around the corner. You however need to do something. You will need to get yourself out of that cocoon. You aren't too big to be admonished, learn and earn that love.

You may own an expensive brand of car like the one
above, but without a lovely partner, no enjoyment.
Love is inevitable. After all, no man is an island. We were created in a manner that we need to be loved, cared for and at least however poor we may be at heart, we give thus enjoying the benefits of a real cheerful giver. You may not be having those good looks, catchy figure worthy romance or even the language to seduce, but you may be the right source of joy to the other party.

Why though is it difficult for those with money yes money not to access what you and I have in plenty? To answer that question, I humbly invite you to walk with me for a few steps backward. This way, we may be able to advice and probably help our siblings get what they have missed for such a long time.
The rich think that since they dominate the largest surface area-have their names in virtually every book, stock market and the like, lack nothing. So, they claim as did one rich man in the Bible in Jesus’ parable. “Now that I 

A couple enjoying themselves. Behind every successful man,
there is a woman and vice versa. 
have gathered all these food in the stores, let me sit back and enjoy...” The man in that example did not live to enjoy since he lacked one vital thing-love for Jehovah. You too need be loved for you to be complete. 
In fact, for you to get what your colleagues are wadding in, there are a few quick tips:

1. Accept that you are a human being.

2. You too need company from a partner.

3. Giving is more rewarding than receiving.

4. Monies have drastic definite end but love doesn't.

5. It shows how inhuman and selfish you are-this is bad for your colleagues who know how much you posses.

6. By having the love of your heart, you won’t lose even a penny.

I have your best interests at heart. Never have I ever thought that celibacy that is brought about by money can be legitimized in any condition. Adjust your goals and expectations and who knows, you will be my reader’s adviser the next time I visit this page.