Monday, July 21, 2014

Does Your Church Ordain Women Priests?

These are not my views but from the Highest authority of the universe the founder and maker of man. Consider them carefully.

IT does not depend on which denomination you belong to in order to answer that question properly. If you think so, you are far from being right. Nonetheless, whichever group you associate with, has a profound impact on the manner you reason as regards to the topic at hand. It should be understood as earlier as this that the question of ordaining women pastors as we may call them, did not start today. It is an issue that has led to collapse in managerial responsibilities of major religious groups across the globe. Which way is the right way you may ask? Is there any directive from the Bible that we may follow? What is the Bible’s view of women as leaders? The excavator looks into all these concerns and comes up with a well thought answer that is not his but God’s.

God’s Word the Bible does not give every directive as though it’s to a small child. In as much as we are God’s children, at times He deals with us according to our ability in our individual capacity. Taking up responsibilities in the congregation now, is not a dynasty as it used to be in Bible times. For instance, Eli and sons served as high priests and priests respectively representing their family until everyone ceased to be. Solomon succeeded his father David in the throne, but it was not so for Salomon's son. So in some instances, the Bible did allow for succession in the family royalty, but not at all times. Moses for example, the meekest man who ever lived, did not live to see any of his sons that Zipporah bore him to become leaders in Israel, but God directed matters otherwise to Joshua.


Leaders back then represented Jehovah in their positions, but in spiritual offerings, there were anointed spiritual leaders who would do the job namely; high priests, priests and prophets and a few prophetesses like Hannah. However, in the 1st century C.E, things took a drastic change for the best of the congregation. Starting with the gospel teachings, women were assigned a special position that would see them equal with their male counterparts in as much as equity was not the bone of contention. Women were allowed to preach as men were given the sole responsibility of taking the lead as heads. Therefore, women are only allowed to tell the good news of Jehovah’s Kingdom to the world, but men who are ordained as leaders do so in the congregation as teachers of the law. Not all men deserve this position of being elders in the congregation but those who meet spiritual standards mentioned in the book of 1st Timothy 3:1-7, 8-13.


Whereas the Bible directs men to pray before the congregation, women are advised to be submissive, silent; modest, be sensible and dress properly among other things. Thus, the Bible is more specific on their share in the congregation-1st Timothy 2:8-11. Interestingly, the same book goes further to state categorically what women cannot do. “I do not allow them [women] to teach or have authority over men: they must keep silent.” Does this mean they are not regarded by the Bible? Not at all! Jehovah refers to all women who spread the good news as  a ‘large army’ that causes divisions among earthly kings and their armies, who upon experiencing divisions from within, fall apart.-Psalms 68:11,12. 


Apart from spreading the good news to the members of the public, the Bible speaks favorably to women who have shown tremendous effort in helping their families grow. You may be aware of Eunice and Lois, mother and grandmother to 1st century Bible student Timothy who later turned to be one of the pillars of Christianity. He was helped by these two strong ladies without the spiritual upkeep of a religious father. In the book of Proverbs, Solomon speaks of a capable woman who helps her family grow in many ways; how to buy and cultivate land, train her children, leading to praises from her husband and children. - Proverbs 31:10-31. 

The same was emphasized by Christians who lived in the 1st century when a new program of restructuring Christian teachings was in force. When the apostle Paul was writing Timothy his second letter, he admonished older women in the congregation, to teach young women on how to be good and responsible mothers and submissive wives to their respective husbands when their time comes. This is a course worth your time as a Christian lady. It is not meant to lower your dignity but to show the best position you occupy in the family and congregation structure that demand for the man to be the head. Men in turn should exercise their authority as directed by their head Christ Jesus. Why want more sisters?


On top, a woman ordained pastor pre
siding over a congregation. Some denomi-
nations are now led by women pastors.
So, rather than engaging in wrangles as to whether women should be ordained as a priest or pastor, look up at Biblical examples of women who did  a great deal of work to assist Jehovah’s people in totally different faculties. For example, if you are a lady yearning to take lead among others or even among men, think of these examples: Sarah, Esther, Rebecca, Abigail, Rahab; Hannah, Ruth, Elizabeth, Mary, Triphosa, Lydia; Lois, Eunice and Dorcas just to mention a few. All these able ladies served God diligently but not as leaders. 


In summing up the whole issue of church leadership that was then laid by the head of the Christian congregation Jesus Christ, the apostle Paul who turned an ardent follower of Christ’s teachings; after his miraculous conversion into ‘the way’ while heading for Damascus, issued this divine warning to Timothy. “Whoever teaches a different teaching and does not observe the true words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the teaching of our religion, is swollen with pride and knows nothing. He has an unhealthy desire to argue and quarrel about words, and this brings jealousy, disputes; insults, evil suspicions and constant arguments from people whose minds do not function and who no longer have the truth. They think that religion is a way to become rich."- 1st Timothy 6:3-5 GNB. Don’t be among these.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Your Wife Is Likely To Leave You Soon, If You……….

Sounds like a threat? Oh! This is a reality in every sense. There are things that many people do around the world that when looked at from a different perception, will yield in good to others as much as they may have a profound negative implication on us. Nonetheless, these are things that have been here with us for as long as we have been alive. But honestly, if we sit back and reexamine ourselves, we then might realize that we hold other people’s lives at ransom. The penalty for this in ancient times would be tooth for tooth or eye for eye.

Thankfully, we don’t live in that “dark” era. Let us talk about what will make your wife yes legal wife leave you the sooner you never thought. Never should it be a surprise to you though, that not even she had this in mind. The catalyst has been you. How I wish you contained this in advance.  But I am sure even then whatever that you could be told, could not sink not mentioning the threats of sending her away whenever she could raise her voice it the quest of a listening ear.

Nevertheless, it is not yet late. But if this is what you continue doing without letup, beware of facing a catastrophic celibacy. After all, most of those you had left when you joined the “club” are still managing their singleness with all the difficulty and glamor that you enjoyed and endured then before climbing that social ladder. 

Your wife has for a long time complained that you don’t listen to her even consult on important family issues. If that is the case, it’s wise to ask yourself why you continue doing the same. Listening to your wife in as much as she might be newly married, is gentle of a man. You arguably become adorable before your wife when you consult in practically everything with your wife. After all, is she not your partner?  If she were your business associate, would you not sit down every evening to determine the direction of your business even share the profits? Your wife is more than a business partner. 

Courtesy in marriage is another thing that will definitely bind the two of you together. This though can be misused. If you continue viewing your wife as your child, my brother you are ruining your marriage. You r wife as well as your children are under you but she is never at the same position as them. Don’t scoff at your wife. If you don’t do this to your workmates, why would you do it to your closest friend? Shouting at your wife in front of your children will make her look inferior. This is something you wouldn’t like yourself.

Your wife wants you but you don’t have time for her feigning tight schedule in the office to meet deadlines, is a recurring challenge among men in the corporate world. But wait, what is your priority?  When you married, you were well aware that you had the job before she came into your life. How come now your job is more important that you do not have even a minute with your wife? She is now looking for a companion and you are complaining. There is still time brother to mend this big gap between you and your wife.

Before I come back with a full list of other behaviors that your wife believes are making it difficult to stay around, can you make some if not all of the necessary changes?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Best Resorts to Stay In Kandy Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has been one place in the world that many people have yearned to visit and even stay had they been given a chance to do so. There are many reasons behind these and no one of them should be underestimated. The country has opened its gates to all locals and foreigners who have her best interests at heart in a bid to diversify the country’s cultural and traditional values. Nonetheless, Sri Lanka is regarded as one country that has stood on the ground to fight for the rights of her citizens. Where though, do you expect to stay once you reach Kandy city Sri Lanka?

Cinnamon Citadel

Cinnamon Citadel is located by the shores of River Mahaweli. This location gives the resort an ample place for her visitors to enjoy a good view of the shores of the river especially in the late evening. Because of this fantastic choice of location, visitors here are welcomed by sweet voices of singing birds and bats that roam around the hotel. There are a variety of sports to choose from. The hotel is known for serving Western and Asian foods.

Earl’s Regency

Aerial view of the Earl's Regency hotel. Right: Inside the Earl's
The Earl’s hotel is one place you would not like to miss your stay while at Sri Lanka. The staff in the resort has excellent interpersonal skills that enable them communicate friendly with their clients. The rooms for the resort are clean and spacious. They serve mouth watering buffets for dinner and breakfast. Those who have had a chance to stay here can attest to the comfort derived from the resorts comfy beds and clean linen. One such a room is the Dumara wing which has been accorded enough privacy.

Mansion Hotel

One of the beautiful looking old but branded buildings of the century! The Mansion Hotel was originally a colonial Hindu house for the weekend. But it has been redesigned to hold a number of visitors for holidays. Its well furnished furniture right from the huge flash door can be an evidence of the tranquil inside. Its relatively short distance from the town center renders it the ideal place for you to stay when you visit Sri Lanka. Alternatively, you can hire a tuk tuk what local 3 people taxis are called. Internal symbols and decorations remind many of colonial times. Those who love the country’s history will not hesitate to spend their vacation from here. The forest around the Mansion Hotel will give you a taste of nature.

Amaya Hills Resort

One of the local cuisines. .
By road, Amaya is a few kilometers away from Peradeniya town at a place called Haerassagala. “This is indeed the epitome of all hospitality”, lamented one visitor who together with his wife had spent two nights in the hotel. What reason did he have to utter such feelings of emotion? The resort has a well maintained pool with clean fresh water. Apart from that, which may assume normal to many, once you have booked in advance, and as long as you have Sri Lanka visas, you are picked from the airport with the directive from the management, driven to your room in the resort, and if you want a tour for a day, you are given this plus a driver!  Stay in the resort to enjoy of the close view of the mountain range.

Enjoy your stay here in Kandy. Wont you?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Amazing Animal Sanctuaries in Rajasthan

Crocodile as seen in River Ganges in India.

HAVE you ever visited a place, and then when time comes for you to leave the place due to legitimate expiry of your time, you feel like who would kindly extend your stay? If you have never, then there is a place where once you step foot, you will hardly want to leave. That place is India. Of particular though, are the wildlife sanctuaries that are highly esteemed in this country in the deep Himalaya zone. Would you want to enjoy watching their fauna as you pass through their flora? Let us take a look at some of their animal sanctuaries that have seen this country emerge to be one of the few in the world that take animal preservation seriously.

National Chambal wildlife Sanctuary

This is a heavily secured 5,400 kilometers square animal sanctuary. It is protected because of the endangered small crocodile family also known as Gharial crocodiles. The sanctuary is home of other highly endangered animal species such as the famous River Ganges dolphin, Bengal fox, Muggar crocodile, turtle among others. Under the government’s 1972 Wildlife Protection Act, the area was secured heavily by three states to protect its wildlife. 

Mount Abu Sanctuary
Bengal Fox, one of the seriously endangered species in India.

This animal sanctuary was declared one on the early 1980. It is one of the oldest animal sanctuaries known in India. The location of the sanctuary enables the tiger, lion, porcupine, a leopard, jackal and other animals to thrive. Full of tropical thorns and small bushes and shrubs coupled with algae, ingenious rocks and other indigenous trees make it an ample home of approximately 250,000 species of birds.

Sariska National Park

This is a national park located in Alwar District. The area has unique features of rocks, deciduous forests and some grass that make it the best animal habitat in India.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Five Reasons Why Your Man Cheats

You are to blame
Men would not cheat if women did not allow them. Women give in to marriage proposals to men who have obviously cheated on them during courtship. Aware but ignorantly accept as studies show. Experts have for years warned that if a man cheats on his fiancee or even his girlfriend, he will probably cheat on his wife when they are married or on another woman who he will marry. Why are women vulnerable and poor in heart over love? The reality is that the world is filled with lonely women yearning for love. Aware of this lonely state, men seize the opportunity to exploit women to the full. These women find that the only option left to them is to settle down with a cheater anyway. After all “boys will always be boys” they argue. At the end, a woman would rather lie down next to a cheater than to no man at all.

Ego Boost

If your man cheated on you when dating, he will definitely do so in your marriage.
It has been said that men give in to cheating to boost their ego. Men want to be known, felt and recognized. They will do anything to attain the reassurance of their manhood from a woman other than the one he is currently attached to. He feels a lack of self-esteem and worth, and cheating allows one to enjoy a mental vacation, an escape from reality and responsibilities of daily life to his family as if he were on a month long leave at the beach of Pacific Ocean enjoying a sunbathe on a hot day in the Indonesian Summer. Thus he lies his mind that with a cheating heart, he is likely to cure his wallowing psyche.

Relationship Going Sour 

It all looked diamond and glittering at first, showing good moments together for the better part of the day even 24/7. Hopes, dreams, laughter, passions all in one pot were solely told to one special lady. As soon as the newness wore out, the man’s hallucinations of a wonderful future took a sudden turn to a life driven with problems of nonexistent peace. Work turns into a routine formality, landlord escapes become rampant, and no receiving calls.... before long, their most anticipated conversations over a cup of coffee while watching a favourite soap, changes to that of mundane tasks.

Frustrated and not concentrating, the man initiates an argument that his partner is not interested in him and that he does not get the respect and attention he deserves. Finally, he cheats viewing it as a way of getting away from the frustrations of life and towards obtaining the emotion that is no longer present in the current relationship. With his `mpango wa kando` there is no stress, no pressure for they both work out to satisfy each other’s mental and physical needs. Remember, they all share shortcomings and here they are together. At the end they develop an emotional bond away from their respectful partners.

Thrills and Spills

Simply put, I am bored at home. Moved with that enthusiasm, the man seeks the novelty of being with another woman. He argues, “I have taken time to get happiness with this woman with no avail, why can’t I try a different woman, maybe it may work.” Rather than rekindling the relationship he has with the current partner, he develops a hobby of finding happiness from a different source and for sure he will receive an adrenalin flow. Unaware of the danger ahead of him, he enjoys a series of affairs with different women, moving from one to another when the urge for novelty wears off.

Spiritual Emptiness
If he ever did this, when together, he wont stop since you allowed him then.
In the world around, few religious groups condone a man having intimate relationships with different women in as much as some cultures and the law of the land allows for such. In fact, most refer adultery to ultimate sin, a view which I also share. So, experts observe that a man who chooses to wade in one of the most condemned acts of sin in most religious teachings, hints to his lack of spirituality. With strong religious and most cultural foundations, a man will understand that maybe the only thing strong enough to quell temptations raging inside him is a strong spiritual foundation.

Whatever the reasons and whatever women may be willing to do to get it over, men will cheat on them and women will be willing to forgive them once but the old adage states, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”