Thursday, July 17, 2014

Your Wife Is Likely To Leave You Soon, If You……….

Sounds like a threat? Oh! This is a reality in every sense. There are things that many people do around the world that when looked at from a different perception, will yield in good to others as much as they may have a profound negative implication on us. Nonetheless, these are things that have been here with us for as long as we have been alive. But honestly, if we sit back and reexamine ourselves, we then might realize that we hold other people’s lives at ransom. The penalty for this in ancient times would be tooth for tooth or eye for eye.

Thankfully, we don’t live in that “dark” era. Let us talk about what will make your wife yes legal wife leave you the sooner you never thought. Never should it be a surprise to you though, that not even she had this in mind. The catalyst has been you. How I wish you contained this in advance.  But I am sure even then whatever that you could be told, could not sink not mentioning the threats of sending her away whenever she could raise her voice it the quest of a listening ear.

Nevertheless, it is not yet late. But if this is what you continue doing without letup, beware of facing a catastrophic celibacy. After all, most of those you had left when you joined the “club” are still managing their singleness with all the difficulty and glamor that you enjoyed and endured then before climbing that social ladder. 

Your wife has for a long time complained that you don’t listen to her even consult on important family issues. If that is the case, it’s wise to ask yourself why you continue doing the same. Listening to your wife in as much as she might be newly married, is gentle of a man. You arguably become adorable before your wife when you consult in practically everything with your wife. After all, is she not your partner?  If she were your business associate, would you not sit down every evening to determine the direction of your business even share the profits? Your wife is more than a business partner. 

Courtesy in marriage is another thing that will definitely bind the two of you together. This though can be misused. If you continue viewing your wife as your child, my brother you are ruining your marriage. You r wife as well as your children are under you but she is never at the same position as them. Don’t scoff at your wife. If you don’t do this to your workmates, why would you do it to your closest friend? Shouting at your wife in front of your children will make her look inferior. This is something you wouldn’t like yourself.

Your wife wants you but you don’t have time for her feigning tight schedule in the office to meet deadlines, is a recurring challenge among men in the corporate world. But wait, what is your priority?  When you married, you were well aware that you had the job before she came into your life. How come now your job is more important that you do not have even a minute with your wife? She is now looking for a companion and you are complaining. There is still time brother to mend this big gap between you and your wife.

Before I come back with a full list of other behaviors that your wife believes are making it difficult to stay around, can you make some if not all of the necessary changes?

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