Monday, July 14, 2014

Amazing Animal Sanctuaries in Rajasthan

Crocodile as seen in River Ganges in India.

HAVE you ever visited a place, and then when time comes for you to leave the place due to legitimate expiry of your time, you feel like who would kindly extend your stay? If you have never, then there is a place where once you step foot, you will hardly want to leave. That place is India. Of particular though, are the wildlife sanctuaries that are highly esteemed in this country in the deep Himalaya zone. Would you want to enjoy watching their fauna as you pass through their flora? Let us take a look at some of their animal sanctuaries that have seen this country emerge to be one of the few in the world that take animal preservation seriously.

National Chambal wildlife Sanctuary

This is a heavily secured 5,400 kilometers square animal sanctuary. It is protected because of the endangered small crocodile family also known as Gharial crocodiles. The sanctuary is home of other highly endangered animal species such as the famous River Ganges dolphin, Bengal fox, Muggar crocodile, turtle among others. Under the government’s 1972 Wildlife Protection Act, the area was secured heavily by three states to protect its wildlife. 

Mount Abu Sanctuary
Bengal Fox, one of the seriously endangered species in India.

This animal sanctuary was declared one on the early 1980. It is one of the oldest animal sanctuaries known in India. The location of the sanctuary enables the tiger, lion, porcupine, a leopard, jackal and other animals to thrive. Full of tropical thorns and small bushes and shrubs coupled with algae, ingenious rocks and other indigenous trees make it an ample home of approximately 250,000 species of birds.

Sariska National Park

This is a national park located in Alwar District. The area has unique features of rocks, deciduous forests and some grass that make it the best animal habitat in India.

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