Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Five Reasons Why Your Man Cheats

You are to blame
Men would not cheat if women did not allow them. Women give in to marriage proposals to men who have obviously cheated on them during courtship. Aware but ignorantly accept as studies show. Experts have for years warned that if a man cheats on his fiancee or even his girlfriend, he will probably cheat on his wife when they are married or on another woman who he will marry. Why are women vulnerable and poor in heart over love? The reality is that the world is filled with lonely women yearning for love. Aware of this lonely state, men seize the opportunity to exploit women to the full. These women find that the only option left to them is to settle down with a cheater anyway. After all “boys will always be boys” they argue. At the end, a woman would rather lie down next to a cheater than to no man at all.

Ego Boost

If your man cheated on you when dating, he will definitely do so in your marriage.
It has been said that men give in to cheating to boost their ego. Men want to be known, felt and recognized. They will do anything to attain the reassurance of their manhood from a woman other than the one he is currently attached to. He feels a lack of self-esteem and worth, and cheating allows one to enjoy a mental vacation, an escape from reality and responsibilities of daily life to his family as if he were on a month long leave at the beach of Pacific Ocean enjoying a sunbathe on a hot day in the Indonesian Summer. Thus he lies his mind that with a cheating heart, he is likely to cure his wallowing psyche.

Relationship Going Sour 

It all looked diamond and glittering at first, showing good moments together for the better part of the day even 24/7. Hopes, dreams, laughter, passions all in one pot were solely told to one special lady. As soon as the newness wore out, the man’s hallucinations of a wonderful future took a sudden turn to a life driven with problems of nonexistent peace. Work turns into a routine formality, landlord escapes become rampant, and no receiving calls.... before long, their most anticipated conversations over a cup of coffee while watching a favourite soap, changes to that of mundane tasks.

Frustrated and not concentrating, the man initiates an argument that his partner is not interested in him and that he does not get the respect and attention he deserves. Finally, he cheats viewing it as a way of getting away from the frustrations of life and towards obtaining the emotion that is no longer present in the current relationship. With his `mpango wa kando` there is no stress, no pressure for they both work out to satisfy each other’s mental and physical needs. Remember, they all share shortcomings and here they are together. At the end they develop an emotional bond away from their respectful partners.

Thrills and Spills

Simply put, I am bored at home. Moved with that enthusiasm, the man seeks the novelty of being with another woman. He argues, “I have taken time to get happiness with this woman with no avail, why can’t I try a different woman, maybe it may work.” Rather than rekindling the relationship he has with the current partner, he develops a hobby of finding happiness from a different source and for sure he will receive an adrenalin flow. Unaware of the danger ahead of him, he enjoys a series of affairs with different women, moving from one to another when the urge for novelty wears off.

Spiritual Emptiness
If he ever did this, when together, he wont stop since you allowed him then.
In the world around, few religious groups condone a man having intimate relationships with different women in as much as some cultures and the law of the land allows for such. In fact, most refer adultery to ultimate sin, a view which I also share. So, experts observe that a man who chooses to wade in one of the most condemned acts of sin in most religious teachings, hints to his lack of spirituality. With strong religious and most cultural foundations, a man will understand that maybe the only thing strong enough to quell temptations raging inside him is a strong spiritual foundation.

Whatever the reasons and whatever women may be willing to do to get it over, men will cheat on them and women will be willing to forgive them once but the old adage states, “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

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