Friday, January 2, 2015

Six Reasonable Things That Keep Ladies Away From Men

Although we must agree that women are very sensitive to what they want from men, they are also a few men who have the same habit. If we are together to that point, relax as I take you, through reasons why many women decide to be single though attached to somebody. Women are and can be independent as men only if they choose to. Unfortunately, many choose not to be independent. To this, I mean they should at least have someone somewhere who takes care of “in-house chores.” Nonetheless, what are these things that keep women away from men?
Your Dress Code

The way you dress speaks a lot about you. It can tell a person of the way you behave, spend and organize yourself. Additionally, the way you groom can tell of your financial status. Though in the latter, there are those who disguise. Granted, they can be known from other ways of their true identity. Most ladies go for gentlemen who dress according to the era. You can easily tell what I imply here. Those that wear as if we are living in the Stone Age, reap the full benefits of being conservative wearers: they get no mate in this society. Your way of grooming should though match your age, profession and class. Don’t impress a lady when in real sense you don’t have a pillow to support your neck when you are asleep.

Financial Ability

Perhaps taken to be the most prevalent reason why ladies leave men. Nevertheless, even me, I can not associate with a [person who can not   buy a drink for themselves. It is wise if you walked with a person in the downtown with a few coins in the pocket to salvage an emergency. But ladies have endeavored to have guys with thick wallets bulging from their rear pockets. With this, they are comfortable when they receive candies as they talk in parks doing nothing that idling. Well, as a man, if the world’s joblessness predicament has befallen you, you are unfortunate to live in this generation. 

Chances of getting her are slim to none. A lady loves when she knows that her financial problems are settled by somebody else. This also applies to the working class. If your pocket is thorn, kindly mend it for you to win her. In fact my former college mate told me of her boyfriend, “I have always told him that without money, he can’t own me…. I can’t stay with a guy who doesn’t have good salary.”

Talk About Other Ladies

If you talk about how beautiful other ladies are, what do you expect? Seriously, how can you claim you love her yet your eyes are glued to that girl who passes by? You dare say you love her yet you like a figure she doesn’t poses? You like a lady with big boobs and she has the opposite. Is she your type? No! Fetch your caliber from the vast market in the outside world.

 These are just a few things that when she observes you do, she is left to ponder over them when you are snoring. If you want your lady to stick with you for eternity, praise her even if she has done nothing. After all, doesn’t she do so before her friends? To win her heart for eternity, chant praises to her at least when she is able to hear this by herself. 

Manning Your Lady

Whoever lied to you that you are able to tame your girlfriend, is the biggest joker on the planet. Women can never be tamed. Adam was unable to take judge of his beautiful wife when she was seduced by the Devil. Who are you? Unlike children who are just under your guidance as a man, women deserve freedom. I dint say some freedom. This freedom allows them to decide whether to be willingly in subjection to you or not. 

After all, aren’t we speaking of girlfriends here? They have their liberty to the fullest. Let them use them as they wish. When you try to put measures on your girl, she rebels in an instant by asking herself,” Is this the kind of life I am going to enjoy during marriage?” Don’t scare your lady by your dictatorship.

You Don’t Involve Her

When she first came to your house you had one couch. You had no floor carpet. She is used to this lifestyle for the past six months that you have known each other. Whenever you want to watch a movie together, the only comfort you draw is by sitting tightly close to each other. Now, considering that it is your house, you woke up one morning and decided to add a modern couch and the latest fashion of carpet. 

When she comes in the next time, she exclaims,” Oops! Why this color darling? Who is going to sit on this?” Do you get the sense dude? At least, the six months are worthy her involvement in color planning, purchasing and transporting. After all, what don’t you share by now? Be honest.

You Are A True Casanova

You are likely to agree with me that if she can’t get her fundamental right, she will quit. Yes she will! This is what keeps a lady close and tight to her man. No matter the looks, if the man is a great performer and achiever in bed, believe you me, she won’t move a centimeter away. This is the most crucial thing that keeps ladies away from well-dressed good-for-nothing men who think that their money can buy satisfaction. I may not be their advocate, or activist for their rights, but honestly, can a lady stick to a man who will never satisfy her imperative desires? Never! 

As long as you are maligned with the aforementioned attributes and perhaps inabilities, they will keep turning their backs against you.

Friday, November 14, 2014

How to Be Happy In a Relationship

Some people have the perception that the only way to be happy in a relationship is by being rich. On the contrary, a lot of people are living cheap lives yet they are happy in their relationship. The truth is that happiness does not in any way depend on money but how you intend to relate with the other person be it your spouse or your close friend. The following are some of the important tips that will ensure that your relationship with others goes well regardless of your financial position:

It is important to first understand that wearing a smile can go a long way in determining how good your relationship with others will be. In this regard, it is important that you find time to smile with others. Be sure to let see your love partner or your friend that you are happy and they will definitely be happy too.

Accept Who You Are
Like stated earlier, it does not matter if you are living a cheap life. Happiness has the power to turn everything. You must first learn to accept who you are and avoid in any way competing with others. Trying to reach other will only make you moody, jealous and unhappy and it is not healthy when relating with others. Instead, learn to appreciate others and most of all yourself.

Avoid Fighting With Others
For a better relationship with your love partner or a friend, you must keep away from unnecessary fights. Needless to say, fights are the key cause of relationship breakage in all situations. Instead of engaging in fights every now and then, why don’t you take time to make best of friends? It is no harm to have more friends. As a matter of fact, that will only help in strengthening your relationship with others.

Avoid Gossip
Gossip is a great enemy to any relationship. The moment you start gossiping about you partner or a pal, it is a breaking point to that relationship. The friend you talked about will at one point here about how much you have said and they will definitely get hurt for such betrayals. Whenever you have a problem with a friend instead of talking behind their back just confront them and air out your issue and try come up with a solution

Have a Life
As much as this person is your friend do not expect them to always call you every day. They might have other issues on their mind and want to be alone as long as they know you are okay please leave them alone. The greatest friends are those that will take a long time to talk or even see each other but when they get together they pick from where they left like they were never apart. Do not nag your friend asking why they never called, or why they never visited. Have other things you can do when you are not in their company, sometimes avoid them, this makes the relationship last longer because there will be less conflicts. Make your own goals; don’t let your friends decide it for you because at some point you will feel worn out and you will not be happy.

 Choose True Friends
 Friends are those that you can remember long after they have gone, those that you know they will always be there. The greatest of all are those who you do not even know they are your friends, you only know them once a need arises. Those that will help you when you need it and it seems like you are all alone in the world. When family is of no or is of little help, they will come to your rescue.  One true friend is better than ten family members.

  Have Goals
The best way to meet you goals is by first setting them; do not let any one set them for you because you will be living a lie. It does matter how great you friend is or how influential they are in society, whatever they have it is their achievement and if you are living under their shadow then you will not be living your life to the fullest, set your own goals and live up to them and if along the way they merge with your friends well and good but do not bank on them they might never be.

 Remember friends come in many forms; some will be there to be remembered on sight others will be kept in secret place in our heart and locked so as never to escape


Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Ladies Do To Scare Their Men

Whether you are in marriage, in engagement, or in an open relationship with a lady, at one point, when a disagreement arises and you are not able to solve it between yourselves, you are likely to face threats from your lady. These are not mere threats as such for they are bound to break your relationship maybe terminate your love if not taken seriously. It is good to learn in advance, the likely threats that you might encounter swoon when an argument between you and her escalates. As you do this though, beware that you can cub this by the way you treat your mate. Virtually, it depends on you as a head how you handle your private matters. To that end, these are some of the things your lady is likely to throw to you in a bid to scare you completely:
Not take care of your laundry

Part of the work of a lady is to make sure that their men are neat and smart. This is especially important to those in a marriage union. The Bible rightly put it that Jehovah made Eve to be Adam’s helper-Genesis 2:18. Whether it was to help in other matters or not, the Holy book does not specify thus does not rule out laundry care. Many married men go out for work and leave the rest of house chores to be attended to by their spouses. This has led to many not knowing even how to take care of even the simplest of the house chores. Therefore, if there is a disagreement that does not seem to end soon, she will threaten you of not washing your clothes.

Pay dowry or I quit

Among the most used threats to scare men from most traditions who embrace the payment of dowry as a sign of formalizing marriages. Believe you me it shakes most men to the chore. Payment of dowry before you take up a woman for marriage is paramount among most cultures in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Though the trend is changing fast because of civilization and the world becoming a global village, those who cling to culture; which to me is a fair deal, face this threat more than others. It is even becoming rampant since many people are now than ever cohabiting before they legally marry each other.

My parents must know 

In some incidents where the man’s pedigree is known to be of low income than that of the lady, chances of receiving this type of a threat are inevitable. Women tend to believe that when things have gone sour, pouring down information about their endless marital conflicts to her family is enough to silence her husband. As a lady, you are lying to yourself in this regard. You married your man not withstanding his background. Surprisingly, there are those it perfectly works for. Let not your in-laws intrude your marriage as a man.

No present, no sex

Defined as an action more than a mere threat, some men are suffering in the hands of their mates for not meeting some of the “greedy” demands of their spouses. Since it is difficult for most men to speak out their problems to their friends however much they trust them, it turns to be the “unspoken homicide”, killing our men softly. Some ladies put high measures to their spouses others as far as asking for an imported Rolls Royce in exchange of the rightly deserved conjugal rights.

You are not the father

Known to be the worst mental threat there has been in marriage, this enters the born marrows of a man crushing his soul forever. It is said that this is aimed at balancing the love the man gives his children. Granted, there is a child who you dearly love simply because they resemble you in every aspect and there are those you are slightly not fond of. Whatever the case, the lady can decide to inform you in the eye that the child you love most is actually not your progeny. How will that make you feel? Well, these can be just well thought schemes to silence you and put you under the control of your woman.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

5 Undisputed Signs That Your Marriage Is Falling Apart

It is sad that some things get worse every day and unless drastic measures are taken to contain the situation, our generation is bound to be extinct. I would not like it to reach this far with your mate now that you have raised such a beautiful family. It is my sincere prayer that before it gets worse anyway, you look up to this site for incisive articles that will help you make wise decisions in future as regards your marriage life especially when things seem to be getting out of hand. I must commend you though that you have tried several means to see it work out better for both of you. However, you need to admit that you have not exhausted all possible avenues at least this one.

Many people me inclusive; enter into the marriage with the aim of getting peace. If that is what you have in mind, you are very right. The fact is good marriage can be a haven where joy and peace prevail. On the other hand, if marriage is marred with conflicts that end up in the hands of neighbors even local leaders that marriage will hardly give any a sense of identity. We would like to associate ourselves with peaceable couples. Marriage mates should be watchful of the following signs for they not only show that something is wrong in your marriage, but also indicate a serious danger of a falling marriage.

1. Endless conflicts

If you practically argue with your mate on everything, I am scared that your marriage is in trouble. Researchers and marriage experts believe that a couple will never meet on everything possible in their marriage but at least they will agree on most things since they have much time to consult. Unfortunately, some marriage mates must argue out their point bitterly for them to feel that they are heard.

2. Fits of anger

It is not bad to be angry at times since we err many times and the possibility of getting offended by our mates cannot be underestimated. The challenge that faces couples everyday is on how to control themselves after feeling that their spouses have wronged them in one way or another. Since anger is inevitable, you do good to avoid fits-the recurring bit of anger and the feeling that you need to vent it onto somebody for you to be okay.

3. Long silence

It is never wrong to seek time to be alone for sometime during the day. In fact, such solitary time allows you to refocus, reexamine and evaluate yourself on necessary things you need to adjust. Long time spent on solitude is inexcusable though. Your mate needs your company for it is fundamental for the couple to warmly appreciate one another especially at night a time to talk about the goings of each other's day.

4. Avoiding meals

If your partner does not enjoy meals with you of late, this is a serious sign that something is wrong with either your cooking or your intention of bringing the food home. When a couple sit for at least a meal a day, it gives them a chance to express themselves better over the meal. One may ask, where does your mate eat from nowadays? Well, you should be concerned on the feelings of your mate when you don’t take meals from the house.

5. Complaints

It is not bad to inquire why something was done differently from the expected especially when something concerns you. It sounds awkward though, if your spouse complains on virtually everything. You had better looked for other possible channels of solving problems amicably rather than raising complaints now and again. If complaints escalate they will lead to either party throwing tantrums which is also a sign that your marriage in thriving on a slippery ground.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Why People Engage in Extramarital Relationship

Love started when they both stormed into each other’s face in this shopping mall down in the coast. That time, the guy was doing his diploma studies in IT at a local polytechnic in the area, and the lady had just come from the city to visit her aunt who by then was working with the fisheries department. Hardly did they know that for subsequent years, they will exchange numbers and chat the whole night on social media as long as they would be able to keep the conversation alive and at the end, get in a serious relationship.

For many, this is not a story that belongs to someone else but a real thing that happen to them every other day. Whichever the situation, this is what happened to this couple whose love live started like a little fire that later engulfed the entire field stretching to the neighbour’s thus their relationship has gone sour after wadding in the love mainstream for a couple of years.

You may be surprised to realize that such scenarios happen in our neighbourhood’s day in day out. Hardly do people take emphasis about this until it involves you and loved one. So it touches you and me. Whatever happens, you are not justified to go for a second affair lest you are likely to lose even what you have. It would be wise to focus on how to mend such loop holes that are about to get you out of the love of your heart. After all, nobody will ever like to lose what they have worked for a long time. If such things happen to you, take time to meditate and see whether indeed there is a need to forge another love. It would be ideal then that we reexamine ourselves again.

Every cloud has a silver lining says an old adage. Your home and family should be a shaven where you find leisure and pleasure whenever you want it. This will happen to you no matter what has happened so far. Therefore, it all depends on how much you can do in as much as things seem to have gone astray. When you first saw each other, you went ahead and promised to love one other and the more you spent time in travelling to your best destinations in the world if you ever did, bought presents to your mate; learnt to do some things together, some of which you did not even know, meant that you have created time for the only one you loved. What has made the changes that you no longer want to see the one you once held to your bosom should not escalate beyond here. In just a day you became a gourmet because you thought this could impress your mate. All this was in a bid to enhance your love for your new catch. Whatever happened can be mended to suit both of you. It is not too late to seek to redress and repair your in house granted you do not employ mundane excuses.

You can always find a way out of that difficult situation in your life. Talking to a counselor is the best way to start. But even before you do that, you might be forced to give it another approach of perusing different pages that are believed to have relevant information. Another way that will definitely be of help to you is to create time for your mate. This time should be dedicated top listening to your mate as they tell their take on the topic at hand; as you intently follow what they have to say that is rendering your love unbearable for both of you. During this important time in your live when trying to revamp your love, the value should be given to knowing what hurts your mate and not who has done what. The blame game does not help any of you in this stage.

It is of good help if you still see your mate as the only one that has ever existed. This type of thinking will help you have an attitude of loving them forever since there is no one to replace them no matter what happened. I am not endorsing any sense of brutality in my sentiments but you may likely see some sense in all that you will do regarding your mate. You will do yourself a favour if only you realize that since you met your current mate many years ago, time has run so fast. In fact you are getting older everyday never to go back to where you met those heydays. Do all you can to love and maintain your mate for they are all the same. No one is an angel but you can have yours today.