Friday, July 25, 2014

Sex Is Meant For Who And How?

Some couples are too young.
The answer to the above question depends on who you are. Granted, I am not the one to judge whether sex is there for you or for someone else who you are not. But I still believe that as we engage in such a healthy dialogue, we will get to a point at which we can help each other get the answer to that seemingly silly question as many have deemed it to be.


Before you also answer that question based on what you may believe that is the true answer, which at this point I do not object, why don’t we have a common ground? With that, be sure that we are heading somewhere. Before we go further, first things always come first. Sexual intercourse is for couples.


Whether you were brought up in a family that condoned love affairs for people that are not in a marriage union or not, it’s healthy to discern that sex is typically designed for marriage mates to enjoy legitimate intimate affairs. Even in this union that is approved by the Almighty, sex is not just done carelessly. By that I mean sex is not to be done whatever way you feel. A few guidelines therefore are paramount.


Since it is meant for both partners to enjoy, mutual concept is the key lest that will turn to be something else. Your husband will enjoy the love play only if you present it to him without grudge and indignation. Never exchange your sex for presents from your husband. After all, will it be really logic if you did so? How many presents would you have received if that ever worked?


As a man, you need to put away your ego in order for you to enjoy sex in your marriage. There are good times that you are likely to enjoy your woman right to the core of your heart from whatever place as long as it is in your home. This is especially is you do your best to arouse your partner to reach her orgasm. Doing this from the earlier times of the day can yield good results later when both of you are ready for the act.


A couple sun bathing on a tropical climate.
There will be a few times however that will prove challenging to both of you. The world’s economic constraints that torment us every other day, families to take care of, job insecurity, personal problems; health issues and the monthly menstrual cycle that befall women to mention but a few. When the latter happen, especially if the man is health and sound, it can pose a challenge on your patience and endurance. Will you wait until she is done with her filth? That is the question.


I advice that you agree in advance, that when that happens, you are sure to wait until she is done with her periods. After all, you have over 20 days to enjoy your partner. When all this is done, be sure to enjoy sex in its right place-marriage. It is your matrimonial right, so have it to the full without infringing your partner’s rights.

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