Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Who Is a Gentleman?


CLEAN water is crystal clear with less or no odor at all. A rainbow is evident from its distinct colors. The sun is so bright in a broad day light that no human eye can dare to gaze at its illumination. These examples just tell us exactly what other things are really like no matter where or who you are.

In the world around however, people’s traits differ greatly from one person to the other. All these are inevitable. Human beings were created with diverse abilities that all put together blend to become a perfect yet complex society that we live in. That is man. These behaviors are distinct yet important in one way or another. Others have strange traits, unique, appealing qualities that many admire; and still others show weird behaviors that amaze a multitude.


All these are crucial in our everyday life and hardly can we escape from these traits especially those that are with a majority. We can however find some reason of joy because there are those who have had a profound reputation right from childhood. If you belong to this group, or at least if this is what your friends say about you, you deserve my warmest commendations. I recognize that you have put effort to gain that reputation. I therefore recommend you to all the other readers.


According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition page 621, a gentleman is defined as a man who is polite and well educated and has excellent manners and always behaves well. As you can see, there are virtues associated with being gentle. The virtues mentioned herein are: politeness, good behavior and manners. These are lacking in the world around us.


A lot though is expected of a gentleman. Right from the manner you handle yourself in the house, with your family however small it is, the way you treat your spouse, your children if any; your siblings, parents, friends, colleagues both male and female and especially the latter; your boss, subjects….. All these will show how gentle you really are. Bending low to reach a child’s hand that is not long enough to reach yours is a clear gesture of courtesy that many don’t show in your neighborhood.
                                                                                has excellent manners,
                                                                                and always behaves well."


Containing your voice even when scoffed at is hard, but it can tell all about your personality. Sometimes people spend a lot of resources in putting up some things in order, and the unfortunate thing befalls, are you going to raise alarm so as the culprit looks stupid? If you do this, I am sure you will be depicted “Mr. Smart” but in reality you ruin your reputation. Even if you have been wronged and believe that you have a legitimate reason to argue, do so in a polite way lest you will be deemed unreasonable.


Yes, you are a true gentleman if you are approachable and are able to share whatever little you have with those in need especially women and children. This is a noble and rewarding course for those who practice it. It can be to you too. Look at how those known as gentle in your area handle their matters and you will also be able to leave a legacy and who knows, you might be the “savior” of your next door neighbor and they will be grateful for you hence you will also be included in this group of gentlemen.

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